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07-Nov-2000 02:57 PM
  some of my pics
it's just for those who don't know
for those who don't like the quality: switch to somebody's album, ibo eti fotki delalis' na scannere MAC dlya draftnogo varianta web page(shtob bystre zagrujalis'), tak shto poka ya ne pereedit, eto malen'kaya chast' moix foto on-line)
vasha masha
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

07-Nov-2000 03:55 PM
 Re: some of my pics
Nado bylo i nashei gruppe kak-nibud' sfotat'sya... zabyli :6

Keep it up, nasha Masha (gromko plachet, dalshe znaete kak )))))

[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

08-Nov-2000 12:37 AM
 Re: some of my pics
Devushka nauchilas' pol'zovat'sia skanerom,chto samo po sebe uzhe ne ploxo,no ona eshe i napravila svoi novopriobretennye sposobnosti ne vo vred,a na blago obshestvu!Povedenie dostoinoe vsiacheskix poxval! Molodezc,obogatila grusnyi i unylyi site svoimi fotkami,posle chego on stal veselyi i prazdnichnyi:-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))):-))))))))))))))))))))):-)))))))))))))))))))))))))):::::::::---------)))))))))))(gomericheskii xoxot za kadrom)

A voobshe esli ser'ezno,to mashyniy fotki mne ponravilis' gorazdo bol'she chem naprimer Russa.Xi-xi-xi!
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

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