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22-Feb-2001 05:31 PM
  Alina, look at that Nasdaq and DJIA!!!
hey alina, what's up girl.. Have you seen that souring and falling NASDAQ and DOW??? A've got more than 5% capital loss so far and that's just the beginning , but seriously i expect those markets to recover...
Alan Greenspan twice lowered prime and Fed's interest rates and heated the economy enough, so that the inflation is more than average for the last 10 years!
But investors don't like those lowerings much, 'cause they badly react on inflation - here you see it for NAsdaq and Dow...
Kirill Jr. Zuykov
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

22-Feb-2001 10:04 PM
 Re: Alina, look at that Nasdaq and DJIA!!!
Dyvysa vyshe!!!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

22-Feb-2001 10:06 PM
 Re: Alina, look at that Nasdaq and DJIA!!!
kstati, KOMAHDIP:-)), tu mojesh posovetovat' kakieto resources po stock exchanges and stuff?
a echo bulo bu lushe, esli bu mne ktoto dal adres kakogoto brockera, jelatelno online....

[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

23-Feb-2001 02:43 AM
 Re: Alina, look at that Nasdaq and DJIA!!!
Hey Neo, wouldn't you mind to listen to the advice of "finance crazy guy"...(i mean myself)..Ok, then the best online broker is E*trade, but don't say you are goinmg to trade stock through online broker, because i don't want you to loose all your money...If you have any money, put them on your bank account and forget abour stock man...or if you are really impatient to trade stock and to enter Wall Street, than please don't try to do that by picking up individual stocks, that's the titanic work and sometimes worthless, believe me, i've done 4 fundamental technical analyses and tried to predict the behavious of stock and to copute requered and expected returns using various , sometimes diffivult techiniques, that's was only 60% of what i expected it to be in near future...
So, your money at your bnking saving account and earn your stable 4-5% and that's it....or buy a few shares of any closest money market mutual fund...That's the easiest way to earn some money without substantial risk....
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

23-Feb-2001 02:51 AM
 Re: Alina, look at that Nasdaq and DJIA!!!
Hey Tarace, i am sorry i wrote like that, but that's actually very easy things for any finance guy to understand, but quite boring staff for all the rest indeed!!
Ok, what i was trying to inform Alina about - current "bearish" financial market...
DJIA - Dow Johnes Industrial Average - average stock price divided by special devider of high-cap and famous American corporations, usually used to make techincal analyses of market conditions; NASDAQ - National Association of Security Dealer Automatic Quotation System - Over-The-Counter market (OTC), where stocks and other financial instruments are traded by quotes through dealers using telecommunications, not through brokers, like the New Yrok Stock Exchange auctions.
Sincerely Kirill.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

23-Feb-2001 02:56 AM
 Re: Alina, look at that Nasdaq and DJIA!!!
If you wanna know more about stock exchanges and all those things i advice you to pick up any finance book, and it will tell you the basic info...
But, the main thing to understand is - anytime it may happen, that you are even better broker than anyone else around you and in your city..because for stock market ....the work of analysist can give worse results than just picking up of corporations by throwing darts..!!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

23-Feb-2001 04:17 AM
 Re: Alina, look at that Nasdaq and DJIA!!!
Well, just wanted to say thanks for the explanation, though I still do not really understand all THAT economical crap. ;-) Thanks anyways.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

23-Feb-2001 06:59 AM
 Re: Alina, look at that Nasdaq and DJIA!!!
ne nado fa-fa-lya-lya...
"neo voz'mi lyuboy uchebnik po finansam".... etim ya goda 4 nazad zanimalsya.....

"neo poloji money na saving"... nu esli mojet dlya kogoto etot sposob zarabatuvaniya horosh.... no ne dlya menya...

ya hot' i ne crazy po finances... no u menya doma lejit neplohoy portfolio of ukrainian companies... igralsya i s KS, i PSami... "Energo's" and other blue chips... doljen znat' shto eto takoe esli interesueshsya etim voprosom doma... v svoe vremya ya tesno obachlaysa so znayuchimi lyud'mi... kotorue organized tovarnuyu birju...
potom zainteresovalsya mutual funds.... chem ya toko ne interesovalsya))

vobchem ya ne o tom... esli prosto tak tupo play with stocks, to ponyatno, sho niche horoshego ne vuydet...
ya eto i ne sobirayus' delat'...

u menya prosto est' koe-kakaya insider info po nekotoruh IT companies... esli s ney nemnojko porabotat'.... to mojet shtoto i poluchitsya...

ladno, spasibo za E*trade, na dosuge vzglyanu...


[ This message was edited by: Neo on: 2-23-2001 07:49 ]
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

23-Feb-2001 12:46 PM
 Re: Alina, look at that Nasdaq and DJIA!!!
I sho tebe ludi znayushie skazali??? HE-HE ;-)))
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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