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23-Feb-2001 02:33 PM
 Re: Alina, look at that Nasdaq and DJIA!!!
Ok, Neo ,
of course i believe you, you are smart in this field, but, anyway, you asked about broker - i answered...If you are so smart in finance, then you should agree that everything written there in my previous message is right, if i had known you didn't need an advice i wouldn't have done that..Sorry man, but all written is correct or you will argue that your knowledge of finance is more efficient than that of monkey picking up a stock?? May be for Ukraine, but not for US highly efficient market, where stock prices adjust for any given information in a matter of seconds..!
And ,finally, if you are so smart, then why are you still not rich enough to be in USA without ACCELS ?? Or, why are you asking for advices...Sorry once more, i didn't know you woud react that way...
I was dealing with Ukrainian stock too, but that's nothing to deal with, it's in "zachatochnaya ctadiya"...
Best regards - Kirill Zuykov (Ukraine, Rivne)
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

23-Feb-2001 06:59 PM
 Re: Alina, look at that Nasdaq and DJIA!!!
Ok, ne zaglyanula dva dnya a zdes' chto tvoritsa!!!
Hey, Kirill, looks like you really like Burton Malkiel, I guess that from the expressions you used in one of your posts.
DJIA and NASDAQ are falling, that's true. But trust Greenspan, he's the man. He knows what he's doing. And by the way don't forget about the cyclical character of the economy...))....
Neo, I hope you know that insider info trading is illegal!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's basically all the comments that I have to make...
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

23-Feb-2001 08:26 PM
 Re: Alina, look at that Nasdaq and DJIA!!!
> And ,finally, if you are so smart, then why are you > still not rich enough to be in USA without ACCELS

vo pervuh shto ya ne claim that I'm "so smart"... vo vtoruy eto vse moi personal business...

slyahay, ya uveren shto tu v 100 raz znaesh bolshe menya, tu horoshiy specialist, no mne i ne nado znat', vsego ved' nikogda ne vuychish... a eto i ne nado... nujen znat' kakoayto ogranichenuy obem, a esli mne nado budet nujno bolshe - ya obrachus' k specialistam - toest' k tebe...
Kajduy doljen zanimat'sya svoim delom...

No prosto tak slojilos' shto ya zanimalsya mnogimi delami, obchalsya s mnogimi lyud'mi - i kak rezultat - pro mnogoe znayu nemnogo...

moe pole - eto IT Tech, i enterpreneurship (nikogda ne mog zapomnit' kak eto slovo napisat')... i po bolshemu schetu ya smotryu ne vse ostalnue vechi s tochki zreniya svoey sferu... tak je kak i tu bu smotrel na moi dela s finansovoy storonu...

vobche, E*Trade mmne ne ponravilos' .... tam nado srazu na account den'gi lojit'.... vse shto mne nado eto prostoy online brocker...
no spasibo anyway....

Koroche, govorit' na etu temu mne neohota.. davay just to keep in touch, I might need your help or will have something to offer you someday...

P.S. a naschet illegalnosti insider info.... nu po bolshemu schetu tut nichego illegal netu.... k primeru.. vot pochemu ya zainteresovalsya etim postom.... odna american company podpisala agreement po cooperation s odnim iz grandov industrii.... srazu posle etogo ee stocks vurosli pochti v 2 raza... a etu company ya ochen' horosho znayu... tak shto v etom net nichego illegal... po krayney mere ya ne viju..
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

23-Feb-2001 08:29 PM
 Re: Alina, look at that Nasdaq and DJIA!!!
da..... dobavlyu... about ""zachatochnaya ctadiya"... "
You are one of thsose who will have to develop our stock/finances markets...
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

24-Feb-2001 02:18 AM
 Re: Alina, look at that Nasdaq and DJIA!!!
Guys, Neo, Alina and all who participated in this discussion , i really apreciate your contribution in our chat topic about finance...
Alina (Neo , sorry she is a she is the first be "criticized") - you are brilliant and on the top as always....i am really respecting you very very much, you are very smart and quick-minded, you polish all my words, so nothing to object or reject...
Neo, man i didn't want and still don't want to know who of us is better in finance, problaly me , probably you (because of your great practise)...but i wanna be your fined and to help you but not to be your enemy and argue with you, but
"ictina razhdaetcya v cpore", and frankly speaking , there is a guy staying here eith us from Georgia (USSR) not an FSA, but he is what they call "born to make money"!!!
So , not knowledge but real practise is making decisions who will be the best...
Thanx guys and see you later...
Kirill Zuykov - your friend.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

24-Feb-2001 04:06 AM
 Re: Alina, look at that Nasdaq and DJIA!!!
You know , believe or not , but those terms ad definitons were just from my heard and not from any text book...sorry, but i am not from that kind , who read a book and then start boasting online, i am telling what i know..
Thanx Kirill
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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