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23-Sep-2000 03:40 PM
  My heart breaks when I think of those FSA students in Montana
I feel sorry for them already. And not because it is a rural area with no cities and no people, and not because there is nothing to do there except fishing and skiing in winter, but because it is so cold there right now. I could not believe my eyes when I saw current temperatures for the area and they 16-30F. Do you know what it is in Celsius? Below zero. And that is in September. It terrible. You could freeze your balls off easily if not wearing special gear. That is true. I think all of you deserve to know the truth. And those who do not like my writings take it easy guys. I cannot be sued. So those of you in the South enjoy this beautiful weather we are having right now.
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

24-Sep-2000 07:54 AM
 Re: My heart breaks when I think of those FSA students in Montana
Montana's great. For skiing. Doing sports. Parting. and lots of other stuff. The latest invertigatons proved that heat can seriously affect the brain activity and thus people become really dumn if they live long enouth in the warm climate. You should probably know how the 3rd world is now referred to: Global South. Think about it. There's some reason for all the southern countries be undeveloped and stuff. And Southern accent sucks. And normal americans (esp. the ones in the best cities of NY, Boston and DC) hate the South. You know having read your great stories I feel your brain's been damaged already. So enjoy your food, your heat and obey the law. But honestly, we do not need to be felt sorry for.

And don't get too fat - people are really good looking here.
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

24-Sep-2000 08:27 AM
 Re: My heart breaks when I think of those FSA students in Montana
Kot Leopold
Rebyata, ne ssortes' pozhaluista. Mir tak hrupok... A UPenn2 tem bolee.

Rus just wants people to be more active in our forum. Thanks for that Irina. Thanks for your opinion, we know that you've seen a lot (like UK).

So kids, let's be friends and chat more. Get online more often and we'll have a nice conversation.

See you there all,
-= goodwisher =-
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

24-Sep-2000 06:46 PM
 Re: My heart breaks when I think of those FSA students in Montana
Irina, you are right. I can't agree more.
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

25-Sep-2000 04:37 PM
 Re: My heart breaks when I think of those FSA students in Montana
Dear UPenn2 students!

It is really sad to see how devided you are, compared to UPenn1 students that at least chat more often...
The world would be better that you stopped snearing at each other...
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

25-Sep-2000 09:05 PM
 Re: My heart breaks when I think of those FSA students in Montana
I skuchno, i grusto, i nekomu ruku podat'...

But I'll keep doing my best to glue us together!
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

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The time now is: Tue Sep 07:09 pm
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