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01-Nov-2000 02:32 AM
  some not serios stuffs!!!
Hi guys!!!
This is the second day I enter the chat & there is nobody over there.Come,on,let's chat.
I also want to say that I'm the happiest girl in the World.Enjoy you life.
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

02-Nov-2000 11:21 PM
 Re: some not serios stuffs!!!
Poniat' ne mogu - my takije zaniatyje, lenivyje ili deistvitel'no schitaem, chto CHAT - ne dlia udachlivyh delovyh liudei?
Skol'ko nas , chatters, v portale?
I skol'ko ACCELS zaslal v Ameriku shpionov?
A vy uvereny, chto vse vashi tovarischi uznali ob etom portale?
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

04-Nov-2000 07:07 PM
 Re: some not serios stuffs!!!
pomoemu tut vssego to otsilu 15 chaterov (esli ne men'she), prosto oni pod raznymi imenami, a bol'she nikogo net (naprimer u Erlena 3 (esli nebol'she) user namov, i kogda Erlen v chate, to obychno pod vsemi imenami srazu, i sozdayotsya lozhnoe vpechatlenie chto tam mnogo narodu Ili naprimer Ruslan = DrRus i prosto Rus, no on zakhodit tol'ko pod odnim imenem, eto navernoe ot ego nastroeniya zavisit. Yerik inogda tozhe zakhodit srazu pod 2 usernamami. I tima = timour i skyscraper. Teper' podumayte, v chate vsego 4 chelovek - Rus, Yerik, Erlen i Tima. A tem kto smotrit skol'ko tam userov vidit tsifru 8 ili 9 (the character would very from time to time). Vot tak ono i byvaet v chate nashem. inogda v chate vsego 5 chelovek, zato 10 userov . A ostal'noy narod ili ne znaet o chate, ili prosto schitayut sebya slishkom zanyatymi, vot i ne zakhodyat.

Both positive and negative reactions or comments to this message are welcome.

[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

04-Nov-2000 07:15 PM
 Re: some not serios stuffs!!!
I see the things slightly different. Just the other people, except the ones mentioned above, do not care to chat: they are busy socialising with new American friends; they use the e-mail and the telephone to keep in touch with the other ACCELS friends - so why chat?!
Anyway, the people who do bother to chat, are GREAT, and my heart rejoice at seeing them on the portal.

Let's chat together
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

04-Nov-2000 07:32 PM
 Re: some not serios stuffs!!!
Nikogda bolshe chem pod odnim imenem ne zahodil.
U menya dva nika, no polzuyus' ya v osnovnom odnim - tem, kotoryi vy vidite schas.
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

04-Nov-2000 08:07 PM
 Re: some not serios stuffs!!!
Well, the post "CHATTERS" was probably the wisest here.
Yeah, guys, I'm not going to waste time any longer in chat rooms, this life is superficial and certainly distracting from the real one. We are all addicts of on-line pleasures.
But isn't it better to give it up and live for real?Did we come here to chat between ourselves?

I will see you...I don't know now when
So long
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

04-Nov-2000 11:18 PM
 Re: some not serios stuffs!!!
M-da, pomoemu my eschyo odnogo chattera poteryali, chto znachit 2 user names. Hmmmmmmmm. Does it really mean that, Tima?
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

05-Nov-2000 01:24 AM
 Re: some not serios stuffs!!!
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

05-Nov-2000 06:43 PM
 Re: some not serios stuffs!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

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