Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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06-Sep-2000 08:25 PM
  Privet iz Alabamy!
Vsem privet! Vy tam nas esche ne zabyli? Segodnya u nas poholodalo, kapaet protivnyi (sovsem kak v Belarusi) dozhd' i pasmurno. Mne vpervye prishlos' odet' jeans and coat.
Skukotischa uzhasnaya, dazhe smeshno kak to. Utrom vse razbredayutsya po kampusu i izredka vstrechaemsya to v cafeteria to v library. S takoi pogodoi dazhe v pool hodit' nel'zya, sovsem zasada kakaya to.
Nikogda ne dumala, chto tak silno budu rvat'sya na uchebu.
Nichego ne proishodit, dazhe ne znayu, o chem pisat'.
No zhisn' vsyo ravno prekrasna i udivital'na!
Poka, Nadia.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

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The time now is: Wed Sep 07:09 am
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