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12-Feb-2001 10:18 PM
 Re: Moi priklucheniya....
GYYY, Ternopil!!! Selo selom!! ;-)
Ya cherez toy vashe Ternopil v Chernivci postiyno yizhu!! MENTY SUKY U VAS IDIOTY, PRYCHOMU VSI DO ODNOHO!!!!! (Ya pro GAI). :-)))
Ce tak, zgarachu ;-)
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

13-Feb-2001 03:22 AM
 Re: Moi priklucheniya....
Ta ce zh kryto sho my tak yci razom trimaemocya i diycno take zhittya, cam ne znaesh de zyctrinesh zemlyakiv...
Otakoi Tarac, znachit ti zi Lvova, ya byvav y Lvovi, ce diycno ne tak vzhe i daleko vid mene, a divchat tvoix Viky i Olenky znau ne pagano, ny znaesh razom vce taki na Maimi beach byly, ta she i pyly razom (darma sho vodki ne bylo, ale vodky ya i tyt nazdognav) , cam znaesh take ne zabyvaut...yaksho Ykraincka dysha p`e to vzhe brataetcya...
a yaksho parvdy kazaty to ya zvichayno zh z nimi izdiv (vernishe voni z nami) izdili na winter break y Floridy...
Vidpochili ne xilo, Orlando - Universal Studios, potim Sea World i bagato inshogo i she y Viki Den Narodzhennya byv na 26 grydnya ny my i pokypalicya na cey den, voda tepla byla a potim v dhzakyzzi ta eshe konyahckmo ce zapyly, tak sho znaemo ix, nashi odnim clovom..
Koly ty bydesh v Washigton D.C.
Olesya byde zi mnoy 16 Travnya i xotilocya b i z toboy charky drygy propyctyty!!
Kirill Jr. Zuykov
Rivne+Lviv+Ternopil - xay zhive Ukraine!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

14-Feb-2001 12:45 AM
 Re: Moi priklucheniya....
Kirill, I'm glad you know that American family and think you can come back wth their help.
I wish you good luck.

[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

15-Feb-2001 03:01 AM
 Re: Moi priklucheniya....
hey guys,
guess who called me today to my quiet Texan dwelling ---- Margaret Stephenson!! you know, it seems like she wanted to wish me good Valentines Day (i am kidding) but she was too anxious how i am here and if i have any news from employing agency...
ACCELS wants to change its image...don't think so, i don't believe them...
anyway that's fine when you have a call from high authority like that, sometimes you think you are human being too..

Kirill Jr. Zuykov
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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