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27-Sep-2000 04:45 PM
  Yerkin is a geek.
My name is Carlson and I am Yenrike's ex-girlfriend. I met him at one of the Sorority parties and he impressed me with his haircut.I would kill to sleep with a guy who had a haircut like that. I thought he was a frat member. But it turned out that he was just a Kazakistanian skinhead. He was too cheap to go to the barber's so he cut his hair himself with clippers. That was pathetic. He is like an alien from Alpha Centauri. And he sits in his room all the time except for those emergencies when he has to go to the bathroom or to the classes. He is a geek. That is why he posts so many crappy messages on the site. Because he's got nothing else to do. And he's got no balls.
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

27-Sep-2000 05:33 PM
 Re: Yerkin is a geek.
Rus ty opyat ne prav. Kak vprochem, i vsegda.

[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

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