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17-Dec-2000 07:48 AM
  Delaware IZ DEADDDD!!!!
(here he is, the Gravedigger; greet him as he approaches the UD forum)

Moan, mortals, moan!!! I wanna hear your voices!.. None?.. They are dead. Lord, shall I bury these ashes in our commonly accepted place where people find their ultimate rest - the cemetry? Rejoice at your gorge!

Y the Gravedigger
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

17-Dec-2000 07:05 PM
 Re: Delaware IZ DEADDDD!!!!
Behold, Gravedigger, here come the dead! They shalt not have mercy upon those who respect not the peace in which they rest and who violate the boarder of the Kingdom of the Dead!!!!!!!!!
but seriously, I don't know why delaware is so dead.
Maybe everyone is already done with the exams and gone somewhere, away from this damn world of technology and instanteneous communcation??????
I don't know.......
The Sad Girl Who Has No News From Her Friends From Delaware.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

18-Dec-2000 07:59 PM
 Re: Delaware IZ DEADDDD!!!!
Alina, how are you, sad girl!

Don't be sad - the world is not over yet.

Maybe you should be glad for your friends, it means they found something to do, new friends and stuff like that.

Anyways, keep in touch with us - your new friends; we love to see you here. Chat with us, post messages to our forums. We'd only enjoy your company.


[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

12-Jan-2001 03:41 AM
 Re: Delaware IZ DEADDDD!!!!
Alinka! Nikto ne dead i vse Ok. Prosto siyda hodyat odni i te zhe liydi, ya dazhe ne znaiy pochemy. Kogda mu buli v DE , to vse bulo klasno, a sechas pochemy-to yzhe vse zabuvaiyt dryg dryga, which is very sad.
Ya tozhe liybliy vseh ottyda i vse-taki dyamiy chto ya spent the best weeks of my life there...)
Love you all!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

13-Jan-2001 02:54 AM
 Re: Delaware IZ DEADDDD!!!!
Privet Oleska, dorogaya!!!
Ya tak po vsem soskuchilas'!
Naverno u nashix mnogo del ne uspevayut syuda zaglyanut'. Ya tozhe davno syuda ne zaglyadivala no eto tolko potomu chto I don't have Internet access. Just wait. I"ll get back to Wes on the 21st. and then we'll rock, right????
I wonder how you're doing Oleska??? I'm in Chicago again. I'm having tonns of fun here. But I'm very-very-very homesick. I wanna go back as soon as I can. I was sleeping my time away. But this semester is gonna be different. I"m gonna go to our ice arena to ice-skate, and I"m gonna join our taekwondo club +my classes +my internship. What about you darling, what are you gonna do for yours??? Hey post me a reply anytime before the 21st and I will read it as soon as I get to school. OK?
Meanwhile, MIssing and kissing?
PS. Everyone from Delaware, whoever doesn't come here next semester. you stink!!!! ) Just kidding. But please do come!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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