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01-Mar-2001 05:32 PM
  Who wants to stay? ;-)
Hey, guys, does anyone know how to certify the finances? Do you just give them the number of your bank account or give a paper certified by a bank official? And what are the procedures of applying for a student loan? Maybe someone knows the statistics for rejections when applying for F-1 visa from Ukraine after J-1 status? Does anyone have a friend, who managed to stay, you can refer me with my questions? ;)

'preciate it.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

01-Mar-2001 06:39 PM
 Re: Who wants to stay? ;-)
Hey , i am going to come back to my University in USA in just a year after receiving bachelors in Ukraine...
So, i have spoken to my intenational advisor and he explained me basically all the procedures how to come back...
As far as financing goes, you have to submit "Affidavit of support" from your bank , to ensure that you have required (depends on University) funds for tuition...
To receive F-1 you need letter from your University, that you applied for next Semester and this University invotes you for studyings...
Submit this very document along with recommendation letter from International advisor to the ambassy in Kiev and you can postpone your J-1 visa 2 -year home residency requirement.
Feel free to ask any questions you wanna ask.
My Email is:
KIrill Zuykov
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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