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02-Mar-2001 12:19 AM
Vsem privet!
Iz xrestyan kto nibud' lent budet keep??? I started yesterday.....Now I walk around half hungry, half angry, because I don't like vegetables, and I gave up everything that comes from an animal, and alchohol, and smoking and basically every single good thing in my life... But it feels good. )
I just don't know if I"ll hold 40, no 39 more days.))
And yeah, tomorrow's spring semester pledging for my house. And I"m In-House Chaplain and I have to cook all the food with my Out of House Chaplain. And basically we'll be cooking gourmet food, lots of sweets, choclate, etc.... And I can't believe I won't be touching any of it.. a potom vse budut pit' do utra. I opyat' ya budu sidet' odna, uverena chto k 3 chasam uje ya budu edinstvenniy trezviy chelovek...
Vot tak grustno.
A vi chyo ne otvechayete??? Kuda to propali vse...
Oleska kak tvoi midterms??? I have one on the 5th.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

02-Mar-2001 02:22 AM
Ty cho ZDURELA??????
Kakiye LENT! Kakiye golodovki!!! Religiya SUX! Ona togo ne stoit! Vse eto erunda i nichego nihera horoshogo ne prinesla!! Zhyvi v svoyo udovolstviye, gulay, veselisa poka mozhna!!!! A to potom pozno budet!! Alinka, PERESTAN ERUNDOY ZANIMATSA!!!!!! PLEASE, ne nado v eti kraynosti vpadat!
Real Xchian Tarasishe ;-)
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

02-Mar-2001 04:56 PM
Privet Alinka, Naschet lenta ne znayu, no ya myaso ne kushayu uje s noyabrya and it feels real cool. I had never before thought of becoming a vegetarian or anything like that, but then I started doing it out of diet considerations, sth like a complement for getting stuck in the gym) But now I am already used to it and I enjoy it. I am sure you;ll be able to make it, the most difficult part will be not drinking I guess)
Keep it going if you are sure that's what you wanna do...
P.S. My friend always says, if the vegetarians like animals so much why do they it all their food? I don't know)
see ya...
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

03-Mar-2001 08:07 PM
vo pervix, Taras jan, eto pokazivaet tvoe faithfulness, dlya menya to give up all those things is to prove to myself more than anyone else that I can do things, and that my faith can help me do things.
Da, Gayush jan, mne toje nravitsa, xotya eti dva dnya kakaya to polugolodnaya, eshcho ne privykla k ede bez myasa, bez syra, bez moloka, ya zhe the vegetarian, a vegan, no animal products whatsoever. And I think I"m fine. I don't remember ever being on a diet.....
I think I was too skinny then in Delaware and I like how I look now. Although at some point in December I was unhealthily heavy for my hight. But still. I have never been on a diet and funny as it is, I can keep lent but I can never obstain for diet, chem karum inch anem. )))
Vot tak. Vchera u nas byl pledging. I cooked a lot of cool food with Hillary (the other Chaplain), but because I didn't drink, I didn't smoke, I didn't do drugs I was very tired by 4 o'clock. Me and Hil had to clean up till like 8 in the morning. And then I slept 3 hours then had to get up for PledgeEd. But it was fun.
And I have a midterm on monday........Unfortunate...
I have to go study now.
See you soon guys.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

04-Mar-2001 11:04 PM
Alinka, nu pri chem zdes moya FAITHFULLNESS? (Ya vasheto ateist, esli hochesh znat). Prosto ya navernoye ne doros do vegitarianstva!
A vot pro LENT, to ya ne hotel nicho takogo skazat, i uzh izveni esli obidil chem to! Prosto kogda ya slyshu razgovory pro vsu eto religioznuyu drebeden, mne tak i hochetsa vmeshatsa i kriknut chtoto NEHOROSHEE!!! Uzh sorry, na to est lichnye prichiny.
Good luck na mid terme
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

05-Mar-2001 04:56 AM
Oy kak mne ploxo..... oy kak ploxo....
Sizhu chitayu chitayu chitayu chitayu i kontsa ne vidno..... I samoe ploxoe to chto ya davno uzhe znayu vsyo to chto chitayu... No vsyo ravno chitayu v nadezhde vstretit' chto-to chego ne znayu. Otherwise I will be soooooooooo angry that I spent so much time reading something I know better than all my TAs and almost as well as my prof... ((
I takaya golodnaya, nu prosto koshmar....
a bowl of tomato soup for two days....
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

05-Mar-2001 01:51 PM
Nu i zachem zhe ty seba tak muchish??? Ved ostalosa tuta v US sidet vsegoto kakihto 2 mesaca. A doma ved esho 2 nezdanye sessii nas zdut! ;( Tak chto Alinka smotri ne pereuchisa! ;-)
Vse papa, udachi na midtermah, i nice spring break!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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