Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Brat-3: ACTR Students Community Post new topic
08-Sep-2000 06:35 PM
  Iformation for ACTR
I recomend you to take a red book that was given to us in Washington and to read it, everything should be there, and all the deadlines for sending informaion are on the last page. If I'm not mistaken, we need to fax them our contact information, send an e-mail with the info about classe and credits, fax a form about community service as soon as we have it and inform them by e-mail wether our cafeteria will be closed on Thanks giving. Telling the truth I do not see any difference between faxing and e-mailing,any way they'll get it, but you know what kind of bureacracy they have there.By the way if you send an e-mail with some questions they answer very quickly. I know it from my own experience. I received an answer from Eve the very next day though actually I even wrote to my university and not to Washington.So, good luck.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

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