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08-Mar-2001 01:06 AM
  Happy 8th of March to our women.
Our dear girls, being in America doesn't mean forgetting our holydays.Hereby I'd like to congradulate you with this beautiful day of Spring, and wish you the best of life and the money of the world.
Yours Ararat.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

08-Mar-2001 01:27 AM
 Re: Happy 8th of March to our women.
spasibo za pojelania..
No mojno vopros?????????????/
POCHEMU NE PISHESH????????????????????
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

08-Mar-2001 03:38 AM
 Re: Happy 8th of March to our women.
being a girl, na polnyx pravax govoryu spasibo!!!
vasha masha
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

08-Mar-2001 03:39 AM
 Re: Happy 8th of March to our women.
being a girl, na polnyx pravax, govoryu spasibo!!!
vasha masha

[ This message was edited by: musliba on: 3-8-2001 04:38 ]
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

08-Mar-2001 04:24 AM
 Re: Happy 8th of March to our women.
Thank you for greeting, of course. But I just wanted to say that i don't consider that as a holiday at all. Why should men be nice to women only in this day? I think it is so stupid!!! Sorry!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

08-Mar-2001 03:04 PM
 Re: Happy 8th of March to our women.
Olesya, I am trying to understand you, but can't, really. From your message, I guess, surrounding men haven't been nice to you the rest of the year. I believe, they should be severely punished for such inappropriate behavior!!!
You are right, we must make every day a holiday for women, however, some days of the year should be more holidays than others, such as March 8!!!
S Prazdnikom!!!

[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

08-Mar-2001 04:24 PM
 Re: Happy 8th of March to our women.
Privet rebyata!
spasibo za pozdravleniya i za pojelaniya!!! i spasibo Andreyu za special design of the portal for this day))
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

08-Mar-2001 04:34 PM
 Re: Happy 8th of March to our women.
Nurbek, net, tu mney ne ponyal. Ya ne liybliy etot prazdnik, potomy chto KAZHETSYA chto tolko v etot den myzhchinu vspominaiyt chto est zhenschinu i na ylicah tolko i vidish vseh etiih guys s cvetami---zmatte, tolko v etot den... Pochemy nelzya prosto bez povoda chto-to podarit liybimoiy devyshke? Y pro eto voobsche govoriy. A parni ko mne nice, eto pravda, no cvetov bez povoda ne dariyat... ((
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

08-Mar-2001 06:04 PM
 Re: Happy 8th of March to our women.
olesya, tvoix parnei nado odnoznachno vospityvat' )
a lyubimoi devushke oni vsegda po moyemu chto to bez povoda daryat. nu skaji, ty by ne podarila, raz ona lyubimaya? )))
love, vasha masha
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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