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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Brat-3: ACTR Students Community Post new topic
08-Mar-2001 06:49 PM
 Re: Happy 8th of March to our women.
Masha, vot opyat ya naverno ne tak obyasnilas chto tu ne ponyala. S moimi parnyami vse Ok kak raz. Ya govoriy pro parnei in general. Tu, naprimer, chasto vidish na ylice parnei s cvetami bez prazdnika, byd eto den rozhdenie ili esche chto-to. Ya, naprimer, ne chasto. Tolko vot 14 fevralya, 8 marat, ny i tak inogda. Ya osobenno govoriy pro Ykrainy.
A na schet devyshek, to ya ne znaiy, ya kak-to bolshe parnyami interesyiys ))
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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