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05-Mar-2001 08:49 PM
  2 months left...
Guys, prosto hotela vseh sprosit--kak vu otnosites k tomy, chto esche ostalos 2 mesyaca nam tyt? Vu radu ili yzhe hotite domoi? kakie planu na bydyschee? Hotelos bu siyda vernytsya?
Bydy rada vuslyshat vashu musli)
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

05-Mar-2001 11:55 PM
 Re: 2 months left...
Da, ty prava...
U menya naprimer lots of mixed feelings. Kak to zhalko chto priexali, prisposobilis', uje xorosho razbiraemsya v nashey jizni a uje domoy )
No ya rada, ya domoy ochen' xochu vernutsa.... Ochen'.. Soskuchilas' po sestrichke, po podrujkam, po semye i po yaziku, po tserkvyam, po pogode... )
Da ladno, uverena chto vse xotyaby nemnojko soskuchilis'....
Ya by vernulas' tol'ko za Master's Degree, da i to ne uverena chto xochu kogda libo syuda vozvrashchatsa. East-West, home is best....
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

07-Mar-2001 12:38 AM
 Re: 2 months left...
I don't miss home
And I don't wanna go back, I haven't done everything I could this year. I wanna finish what I need to finish and then go back.

But still "Yeast or Breast - Homer's best."
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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