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20-Mar-2001 06:52 AM
  half of my first posting is gone
privet rebiata, kak vizhu vse ili guliayut, ili spiat, vobshem nam astals'a odin mesets poprigats i poradovats'a, potom snovo nashi dama s nashimi problemami...
So I see somebody liked CAlifornia...good, very good..
Gayush, you know what I cooked for the food expo? the famious " imam bayandi", i was perfect, it was gone the first, I always eat dolma at the Greeks over here, and I try the green cheese at the French girl, so no nastalgie at all,
Lesochka, have you tried Brasilian food yet ???!!!!they say it's kind of not like Armenian!!!!!!!anyways,today is my day-the Armenian night, im ready for it as never , i'll tape the prtesentation hayer, so bye for now..
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

20-Mar-2001 03:04 PM
 Re: half of my first posting is gone
Ar, udachi tebe na tvoei presentation!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

20-Mar-2001 04:35 PM
 Re: half of my first posting is gone
thanks Guy jan.....
vuy aman aman , vuy aman
tagavor lineluts lav bann..
vuy aman aman vuy aman...
I was just singin' this song, lol don't even know why
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

20-Mar-2001 07:18 PM
 Re: half of my first posting is gone
Vu zametili chto mu yzhe v etom foryme bolshe o food govorim chem o chem-to esche? Ya vchera zvonila k podryge na Ykrainy, to ona menya TAK razdraznila raskazmai o tom, chto ona dlya menya prigotovit, kogda ya priedy, chto ya yzhe krichala:"Zatknis", a to ochen silno sliynki tekli yzhe )))))))
Konechno, Arjan, ya probovala Brazilskyiy edy. Ochen, kstati, ponravilos. A na schet togo schto ona different---konechno, no ya ne stolko ela Armenian chtob sravnivat. Da, Brazilskie parni tozhe otlichaiytsya ot Armyanskih... Kak i kazhduy narod, v princupe...
Gayosh, ya tebe zavidyiy, ya tak ne hochy nichego delat: ni ychitsya, nichego... A y tebya eshce pochti celuy week takogo! YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! Ladno, eto ya tak...
Ladno, guys, nadeiys yvidet vas kogda-to v chate. Is it possible?
Take care.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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