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12-Dec-2000 01:05 AM
 Re: For either Erlen or Yerkin
There are several people who know Kazak including Ice, Valera, Yerkin, and maybe others, but if you want Erlen to be the one to teach you, be more insistent and maybe he will teach you...
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

12-Dec-2000 01:49 AM
 Re: For either Erlen or Yerkin
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

13-Dec-2000 06:26 PM
 Re: For either Erlen or Yerkin
If you really want to know these 4 words in kazakh here are they:
Bye-Sau bol
How are you?-Kalin kalai?
Isn't it interesting?-Kizik pa?
I hope you satisfied
If you have more questions feel free to ask them..
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

16-Dec-2000 02:29 AM
 Re: For either Erlen or Yerkin
Yo, Bemidji Beavers!!!

Do you know what a beaver means? (of course the unofficial meaning)
Well, you should

To: Aigerimka. Molodets, uspela, a to esche paru postov i Yerlen nachal by uchit' kazakhskim matyukam.

[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

16-Dec-2000 04:41 AM
 Re: For either Erlen or Yerkin
Net, ne znayu nikakogo unofficial meaning.
TY GDE?! So you have access to internet?!
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

18-Dec-2000 08:10 PM
 Re: For either Erlen or Yerkin
no i don't )))))
it's your imagination
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

19-Dec-2000 06:14 PM
 Re: For either Erlen or Yerkin
da, navernoe u menya uzhe alyutsinatsiya, i navernoe chatala ya tozhe s galyutsinatsiey, a ne s toboy. Finals deystvuyut %-).
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

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