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06-Sep-2000 06:39 PM
  Kto-nibud' poluchil svoy Social Security Number?
Zara [guest] from
Zdes' govoryat, chto bez Social Security nel'zya orkryt' debit card.Eto pravda?
I esh'e odin vopros:ACCELS vernul vam den'gi za receipts,kotorye oni sobrali vo vremya orientacii v Vashingtone?
Irochka,kak proshel tvoy pervyi den' v College.Bol'she ne nervnichayesh'?Za menya ne volnuysya,ya uzhe sredi druzey.Vsyo ochen' xorosho.
Zhelayu vsem polyubit' svoy univer.Ya v moi uzhe vlyubilas'.Pishite.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

07-Sep-2000 12:50 AM
 Re: Kto-nibud' poluchil svoy Social Security Number?
maxiboxus [guest] from
Privet Zarush.
Hochu tebe otvetit' - chto Brenda nam vsem ih uzhe rozdala - a vam ona navernoye ih budet vysylat'. Ya by tebe posovetoval E-mailit' eyo kazhdyy den' s soobscheniyem svoih koordinat - chtob ona taki sdelala eto skoreye. A naschot otkrytiya schota - navernoye eto tak , no ya ne uveren.
Udachi tebe. Do svyazi. Max
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

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