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27-Dec-2000 10:48 PM
  Quotes from the toilet...

Dedicated to all the pacifists at Emory who have greatfully provided their writings to the public through generosity of their squad leader. Transcripted and adapted for ordinary reader by Y2K courtesy of Emory Toilet Service

  • A great sadness hath humanised thy soul

  • He only lives who loves his death

  • Ownership is fallacy
    • Fine, gimme all your stuff then, you fucking communist

  • He who wishes to br truly born must destroy the world

  • You can't have it both ways. Minimize expectations to avoid being disappointed

  • Suck a European Bison's asshole with Heinz ketchup

  • Co-opted topics are drop-kicked onto cereal boxes with homophonic numbers encumbering their real-life imlications branded and stranded in a sea of hungry ghosts waving like android prosthetic lust archetypes with the amber, wisdom is trans-mogrified into gimmicky, love into lechery, truth into legally turncoat, subtle sagar roaled turn styled treachery. Beat against the bars, blast away the fat from the national ass. So hard when education has been infiltrated, cupped and felt, whored and prostrated to the logo and the dollar. America the obese is a tank fueled by potato chips. Check our absurd methods of irrigation for food plants, check the sqauwking slack crunchy maniacal jittery entropy of our brokered infinite hurd-on inspiring divertisements

  • Save the midgets!

  • Save the four-dicked camel!!!

  • Someone should paint this wall black...

The presenter does not endorse any one of these quotes. All of them are cited exactly as they were seen on the wall of the toilet...

Y2K [ This message was edited by: YeRKiN on: 12-27-2000 23:47 ]
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

02-Jan-2001 12:43 AM
 Re: Quotes from the toilet...
Hi, Yerkin!

I am so glad you do post something in the chat. It makes me feel better to see that I am not the only one who checks the portal.
Those "pearls" were kind of interesting. Too bad I understood almost nothing but the simple fact that you DO like to read a lot and even more - you like to share the knowledge you acquire with other people...

Sorry if the message is too long, but my fingers miss typing.

Best regards,
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

03-Jan-2001 04:03 PM
 Re: Quotes from the toilet...
No, Dorina, you not the only one who checks the forum, nither is Yerik. Ya s vami!!!
Da, ur message was not long at all! Did you forget Rus's messages?! Those were long, The story that ERL posted was long (about the nursery).

[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

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