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05-Feb-2001 02:44 PM
  How is your Monday guys??
Hey guys, what's up buddies?? How are you all doing there ?? Hope pretty well...My Monday started very good (sensation) because i've got 100% for my "business finance" test, that's a rewarding result for me, for i studied hard for it...
Ok, then i want to have the same weather you have somewhere there in New York or whatever, because in Texas we have got no any snow and it looks exatly like Ukrainian Spring, though now we have cold winter in Ukraine...
Ok, guys, see you later and best wishes...
Probably i will find you in chat here tonight...
Kirill Jr. Zuykov
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

05-Feb-2001 02:58 PM
 Re: How is your Monday guys??
Hi Commander!
My Monday started in a most terrific way, I got one of my classes cancelled)
Don't you even think of wishing a weather like the one we are having in NY!!! It is cold, I mean COOOOOOLD, and windy and there is this thing they call Lake Effect which makes things even worse( And even if there is snow, playing snowballs is considered a violation of student Code of Conduct, there is a special 3-paragraph-long article in there about how it can create "potential hazardous situations for the students, faculty and staff".
Personally, I can't wait till spring starts and we can take off jackets and boots and gloves...

Congratulations on your 100%!!! good job, tak derjat'!!! take care...
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

05-Feb-2001 05:21 PM
 Re: How is your Monday guys??
Hi, Com.
Be careful what you wish for!!! We have snow coming down like crazy, it throws 3 inches an hour. Basically we are having a whiteout. Everything is white, you can't walk your head up, because the snow hits you face sooo hard... Gayush jan, I would love to play snowballs like we always did in Yerevan, but I don't know if it is allowed or not (who was saying America is a FREE country??????). If it is, I think I might skip my Banking class. My morning started very bad. I couldn't get up and missed both my Corporate Finance and Spanish. I went to bed around 5....
Anyway. I hope the rest of the day will go OK. I'm starting to go to the Gym from today. But I don't know if I'll have enough patience for it... We'll see. Ya zhe ne takaya disciplinirovannaya kak Kirill
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

05-Feb-2001 05:45 PM
 Re: How is your Monday guys??
erm... just wanted to say some words about m Monday, but first of all weather. I'm up in North, and we have plenty of snow, but I love it. No my Monday... Started not so good: I had a 9 o'cklock class, and I had to get up at 8. My alarm clock went off, but I decided that I could make it to the class if I slept for half an hour more, and got up at 8:30 (uzh bol'no spat' khotelos'). At 8:30 my alarm clock went off again (and it's one of those mechanical alarm clocks, which if rings, you can't just sleep through it), so I woke up, but guess what I did (Ididn't even turn the alarm clock off), I knew that my alarm clock is 5 minutes faster, so I decided to stay in bed for 5 more minutes, I fell asleep. When I woke up, I found out that for the ring not to bother me, I laid the alarm clock beside me, put my finger between the piece of metal which strike the other two pan-like metals to ring, so that it couldn't move, and accordingly stopped ringing, and it was 9:10 on the clock. I got up and looked at my watch, it was EXACTLY 9:10, which meant that I'm late already. I didn't make my bed, I didn't EVEN wash my face, I just changed and ran to class. At 9:20 i was there, at 9:50 the class finished and I ruched to another class, which starts at 10:00, and we had a test. Now I feel that I did bad for the test. Then I had Ice skating and came home. Now I'm planning to take a nap, but I'm afraid. I have a 4 oclock class, and i'm afraid if I do take a nap, i will forget about my class again (once I already did it). Then at 7:00 i have to do my show. As you already noticed I love to sleep, but don't reallyget a chance to do so .

[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

05-Feb-2001 06:08 PM
 Re: How is your Monday guys??
Tell me about loving to sleep. I love it sooo much. because I never get enough of it. Well at least I don't feel bad about what happened to me, KOm so mnoyu, pravda???
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

05-Feb-2001 10:31 PM
 Re: How is your Monday guys??
Vsey dushoy, Alincho .

[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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