Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Brat-3: ACTR Students Community Post new topic
26-Sep-2000 12:48 AM
iz Khmelnitskogo:-)))))))))))))))

messagi luche ne pisat' vnutri...

vnutri pisat' tol'ko te kotorue otnosyatsya k teme...
a novue - nado brat' -

Post New Topic

[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

26-Sep-2000 01:15 AM
 Re: instruction
Andy-vinovat...Eto vse vash nacional'nyj geroi v golove mojei poputal....))))
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

13-Nov-2000 12:32 AM
 Re: instruction
Hey guys! Where's everyone??? I never see people in chat. I guess everyone logs in, sees "0 chatters" and goes away. Come on! Someone's got to be first! I've done that couple of times, people appear in a few minutes. See ya. Nana
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

14-Nov-2000 05:56 PM
 Re: instruction
M-da, i nana pervaya narushila instructions v samom topice instructions. NEO, tvoi instructions ne deystvuyut... i ne tol'ko na Tima. NANA tak derzhat'

[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

16-Nov-2000 03:06 AM
 Re: instruction
I just had no idea how to use this stuff! Sorryyyyyy! Ok? Didn't mean to break the rules.
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

16-Nov-2000 06:25 PM
 Re: instruction
Nana, don't worry, and don't feel sorry about that, Neo dobryy, on eto prostit (Pravda Neo?). But if you anyway wanna know how to put topics, next time just press on "post new topic" Button.

[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

Community Moderators: Neo, LILKA
The time now is: Mon Sep 01:09 pm
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