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27-Apr-2001 04:17 AM
 Re: Armenian Genocide
Yerqin ti ne dumaesh shto doleko zashol? Be carefull man. We are not only touchy we can also show other things that will brake your life I think you know what I mean. I don't know who you are but one thing you are just Idiot. Esli idiot to eto na dolgo. No vo vsyakom sluchaye ne jhelayu tvoemu narodu takoe. Ne dumayu shto eto budet smeshno kogda kakoy nibud turk budet nasilovat tvoyu mat pered toboy a otetets budet lejhat na polu myortvim. Izvinite rebyata za moi slova no eto bilo pravdoy i pravdu ne skroesh. Erqin mi touchy da ti prav i eshyo esli vstretimsa to mogu tebya tak touch shto ti posle etogo ne smojhesh k devushkam bolshe toucha tolko k parnyam budesh touch. Jhaleyu shto ti tokoy. A menya pust izvinyat mojhet ya grubo virazilsya no ne smog emotsii skrit.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

28-Apr-2001 05:28 AM
 Re: Armenian Genocide
Yo, who the heck are you? And why are you posting under my name? That's creepy. And moreover you English doesn't match mine.


[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

28-Apr-2001 08:11 PM
 Re: Armenian Genocide
yeah, I kinda thought you're smarter than that... to post something hurtful like that...
Anyway, I"m not mad at you anymore
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

29-Apr-2001 12:17 AM
 Re: Armenian Genocide
I hadn't read the other topic. So it was you after all?
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

30-Apr-2001 06:57 AM
 Re: Armenian Genocide
What, Alina?..
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

30-Apr-2001 02:06 PM
 Re: Armenian Genocide
we'll talk in DC Yerkin. this thing will be sorted out one way or the other... If it's a misunderstanding, fine, if it isn't, then you will experience what's called armyanskiy gnev Meanwhile chill, enjoy your last days here
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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