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04-Oct-2001 03:43 AM
  Anybody home???
Gene [guest] from
Hey, rebeta, kto priehal obratno???

[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

04-Oct-2001 04:05 AM
 Re: Anybody home???
Gene [guest] from

Ya pochital vashi pis'ma...Tosklivo.
Te zhe chuvstva, peremeshannye i protivirechivye.
kogda vernulsya na Ukrainu, bylo oche' tyachelo. Polnyi depresnyak. No vstretil devushku, zhizn' stalanalazhivat' poka ona ne reshila rasstat'sa. Nu povidal roditelei, pokatalsya po kurortam...A v Posol'stve kozly otkazali v vize.
I tut zhin' sovsem ostochertela. Oi kak ne hoteloi vozvrashchatsya v In Yaz. Uzhe by na 4 yi kurs.
A ya iz poslednih sil na "poslednie" $45 poshel v posol'stvo i Appelated. And you know what? As soon as i got the possiblity to go back to the USA I didn't want it any more. So, now, that I am here, I am dreaming about comming back to see my parents over the Christmas break...I just don't know how feasible it's gonna be.

Da, kruto, Ya seichas sizhu u Laptopa, which i checked out from the library, because I have some priviliges being in the honors program. Da, shower 24 chasa v sutki, kogda v Ukraine eshe i holodnuyu vykluchayut. A tolku. Na vtorom kurse. Nikakih perspektiv. Pashu kak los' za min. V rposhlom godu po shtuke zashibal, dazhe poltory, v etom i do poloviny ne dotyagivayu. Zhizni nikakoi. Dazhe domashku delat' ne uspevayu. Nu, i, skazhite mne teper', chego ya dobilsya? Nu ya konechnoe molchu o tom kakaya nostalgy nachnetsya as soon as i get back to Ukraine...But still, no car, no girlfriend, no time, no money, no f* life...
Che tut govorit'...Poslezavtra break nachinaetsya 4 vyhodnyh. Nado vyselyat'sya, zhrat' nechego, toska...
Nemogu dozhdat'sya chtoby pochitat' uchebniki...

Ok, I think it's time to go to bed.
night...or good morning.
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

06-Oct-2001 04:01 AM
 Re: Anybody home???
eugene [guest] from
Don't get lost!
Get in touch
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

06-Oct-2001 10:22 PM
 Re: Anybody home???
Me [guest] from
Hi, guys!
I want to cheer you up. I came back to US as well. I share your feeling about living in the US, but don't be upset about money. Yes, there is more responsibility to work,study, and pay your bills here than to live in Ukraine (or another former USSR republic) with your parents. I didn't make my own decision if it's better to live in Ukraine or in the US. I do miss Ukraine, my parents and friends, and at these moments I try to remind myself that cultural shock I got back home this summer.
Yes, US isn't the best country to live in, but, guys, there are more opportunities over here. After graduation (I like this word) you can afford almost everything. You still have a good chance to get a decent job.
Opps, I will write you later, I have to go.
See Y
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

07-Oct-2001 03:38 PM
 Re: Anybody home???
Eugene [guest] from
Man, what's up?
Man, right? ;)

drop me an e-mail @
And tell me more about yourself.

Btw, I don't share about your optimism about graduation. Firstly, there're 3 more years to go.
secondly, we are here on "ptichoh pravah", meaning they'll kick us ot of country as soon as we are done.

Piply! We can't apply for a work permit only after we have stayed on a certain visa status for over a year.
How legal it is for us to find a sumer internship?
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

08-Oct-2001 03:49 PM
 Re: Anybody home???
Me [guest] from
Hi, guys
I have a question for you. How feasible is it that IRS will catch me, if I work more than 20 hours a week? I currently have 2 jobs and get my paychecks at 2 different places. So how does IRS keep track of all the hours I work?
Any reply is appreciated
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

09-Oct-2001 06:38 PM
 Re: Anybody home???
Me [guest] from
Thank you for all the information. As you got it, I meant Internal Revenue Service under IRS. With your info I have a picture in my mind how this system works.
As for my identity, I was in Drexel during preorientation session. How about you?
By the way, how do you like Canada conparing to the US?
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

19-Oct-2001 04:39 AM
 Re: Anybody home???
GENE [guest] from
Use prapali patamu sho raboty mnoga.
Nekatyrye zdesya phayut kak sabaki, i ni shlyayutsya po stripam...patamu sho vremeni netu dazhe chista to get laid. Not even to think about it. May be in sleep.

Yo, wassup, man?

Haven't hear from you in a while. Look I told you how you can reach me. There's so much motherfucking work that I "wake up" on weekend. Go get drunk and catch up with my homework. Period. nothing else. Zato babki est', po krainey mere byli...

As to ME's question, they don't give a fuck. INS would worry, but these 2 are not related. IRS has the total number, but there's not fucking way it know how much you make an hour. I was working up to 60 h a week last year. This year I just broke 20 barrier. Need to find more tutees to hit the 30 h. In some school the International office cares. In my school the food facilities don't allow to work over 15, though I work 17,5 to 21 sometimes. So, don't worry, ME. Chill out.

Bye all.
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

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