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04-Feb-2001 04:12 PM
What's up man?? How are you there man?? Hoping you are pretty well..
As far as our "sessions" go i promise to continue during the week, because yesterday and today (Sunday) i am busy working in cafeteria, you know that's a little bit harder than to predict interest rates or trading securities, but i am happy i have at least this job, because i can earn additional money, that's not bad for me... At least i can try myself in earning money with hard physical work...
So, see you tommorow and i will continue our business discussions...
By the way man, do you know that Kazahstan takes the first place in growth rates?? Ukraine is - second. (These are facts about SNG only)
See you Kirill Zuykov & take it easy man.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

04-Feb-2001 11:57 PM
 Re: Yerkiny
Hi, guys.
Kirill, can you give me some numbers?? What's the growth rates for Kazakhstan and Ukraine, respectively.
I know Armenia is one of the fastest growing. too. Ours is somewhere around 5.5% in forecast.
PS. yeah, I can't imagine how it would feel to work in the cafeteria. And I admire your determination. I could have never done it I guess. molodets!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

04-Feb-2001 11:58 PM
 Re: Yerkiny
yeah, as a second thought, sorry for intruding...
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

05-Feb-2001 02:39 AM
 Re: Yerkiny
Cool, we rule! Erh... I just don't understand what is this growth rate about? You can't just use the word "growth" to comprehensively describe everything, or am I wrong. What does that rate imply? I assume it's a kind of composite indicator, but tell me what does it include in itself. More than thankful.

Btw, you know I could've taken a rather good-paying job ($8/hr) of animal care technician in an on-campus primate research center. Cleaning up cages and stuff like that - it would be a great physical exercise for me. But didn't take it, I found another job, which is all about sitting all day long. Now I'm thinking maybe I should switch back...

Come on! You're welcome here, you're not an intruder. In fact, you're also supposed to co-tutor me in econ/finance/biz ))

Wazzaaaaaaaaaaaaap!!! Look for some new stuff in our UPenn2 forum.

[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

05-Feb-2001 02:47 AM
 Re: Yerkiny
Thank you for your trust Yerik (I like this better than Yerkin, do you mind?)
K delu. Growth rate is something very simple. Although you have the right concept of economic indicators, more often than not they are compound things, that include a lot of other indicators. But this is one of the rare exceptions. Growth rate is simply the growth rate of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) which I am sure is not unfamiliar to you, neither are its components or the ways by which it can be calculated.
And yeah, I don't like sitting either. I gain so much weight!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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