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14-Feb-2001 08:08 PM
  I Tishinaaaaaaaa.....
A gde mertvetsi?????????/
Nu rebyata!!! Nu chto zhe vi molchite opyat'???
Davayte, pro weekend rasskazivayte! I'm waiting for your story Gayush jan??? Kak provela tam? V CA xochesh s nami???
U menya vsyo v poryadke. Kak vsegda mnogo homework+really really really really sick, but getting better. Today we have a little St. VAlentine's day event at home. Some cool friends are gonna be over...
I hate Valentine's day!!! I don't know why, but I always feel so lonely on this day......(
Anyway, S dnyom Valentina, tex komu on nravitsa )
Zi asats Astvats <<Siretsek @zmimeans!>>
(Translation for non-armenian speakers)
For Got said, "Love each other!"
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

15-Feb-2001 02:51 AM
 Re: I Tishinaaaaaaaa.....
Alina , first of all happy Valentine's Day, something late, but i would like to wish you all the best and much of love in your life...Actually,i don't like this holiday too, but let those who like enjoy it.
Then, i am waiting for you in chat and you are sick - that's not fair!!!
Please try to recover as soon as possible...I want you to be healthy and to appear here with your jokes more often...
Best wishes and take care - Kirill Zuykov
P.S. Angela passes her best wishes too and she looks now pretty beautiful with that little ring in her nose..
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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