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23-Jan-2001 11:26 PM
  hello everybody!!!
Hi guys!
will you believe me that I accidentally ran into this place? thanx to Alina's message. I didnt know about it, but now I promise to be active in our DE portal.
I just got back from my break in Hawaii! It was cool, I had lotsa fun there! now I am ready for this semester hope everybody is doing fine, and hope to meet you all here, I think this place is simply cool!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

24-Jan-2001 05:47 AM
 Re: hello everybody!!!
Privet, Gayushik jan! (purely armenian greeting manners, I apologize)
I'm very very glad you decided to come here. HEy, girl I thought you were going to CA. What happened? Hawaii sounds really good though. Well, if you read my reply to Oleskas message, you already know what I did. I's still headed to CA for the spring break this time for sure. Hey Gayushka, remember the plans that we made the first time we were in NYC? I'm still hanging on to the idea, and I found really cheap places to stay and I know really cool places to go, if we decide to go there for a weekend. LEt me know if you still wanna do it ok sweetie? I miss you very much, as well as Ira, Olga, Olesya, Julie and lots of other people too.
Can't believe we're more than half way through with our stay.
Anyway, post, be active, talk to me.
Love ya
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

24-Jan-2001 01:47 PM
 Re: hello everybody!!!
Hi Alincho, this morning I got lots of messages from my friends, seems like the connection with outer world is getting reestablished again It's freakin' cold now and I have to go to a class, hope at least it will be interesting...
As to going to NYC, I wrote to you about it in an e-mail, I think we should go there in spring 'cause the weather now sucks OK, gotta run now, see you later, miss you very much!!!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

25-Jan-2001 12:47 AM
 Re: hello everybody!!!
Wow! Gay-ushko, you had an AMAZING trip! Any american usually dreams about going to Hawaii and you managed to actually do it. I envy you badly, somebody help me or my gall bladder's gonna pop.

[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

25-Jan-2001 12:58 AM
 Re: hello everybody!!!
Hey guys!!!
Yes, Alina, I am not mad at you, and I have never been mad, btw. It was just my mood, which changes sometimes a lot. Never mind!!!
Very happy that you had good vacations. Gayosh--Hawaii sound so great!!! Can I see the pictures? And, btw, when are you going to be in Washington DC on our way back home? I am asking all of you. Just want to make sure I meet somebody "native" over there.
Take care! I love you!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

25-Jan-2001 02:40 AM
 Re: hello everybody!!!
can you not tease my nick, please? it has nothing to do with the root "gay", it is a derivative from Gayaneh, which is pronounced like in the word "guy". OK? ) )
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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