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05-Apr-2001 08:30 PM
  I'm back ;)
Hi everyone!
Konechno, ya back. Kak zhe ya bez vas mogy. Chelovek ya kakoi-to chto ne mogy ni na kogo dolgo zlitsya, dazhe esli silno zliys... Ny, ok...
Ya tozhe ochen rada bula poobschatsya so vsemi delawerovtsami togda odnazhdu v chate. Dazhe ydivilas skolko nas tam mnogo bulo ) Cool!
Y mneya est vopros ko vse. Pochemy-to y mneya polychilos chto ya dolzhna USA government esche i platit. Ya imeiy v vidy taxes. Kto-to mozhet mne chto-to obiyasnit? A to ya yzhe nichego ne ponimaiy. Ya yzhe i napisala pismo Andy Golda, no poka oni tam otvetyat, to yzhe deadline projdet. Y kogo-to tak polychilos? Esli da, to chto vu delali?
Spasibo napered.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

06-Apr-2001 01:32 AM
 Re: I'm back ;)
Oles' jan, ty nichego ne doljna po idee amerikantsam. TAk chto nado proverit' the tax forms again, mojet chto to ne tak zapolinla ili chto.... Rebyata skajite u kogoto chtonibud' takoe sluchilos????
i'm glad you're back.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

06-Apr-2001 01:41 AM
 Re: I'm back ;)
Alin, mne Andrew otvetil (ya azh ydivilas!) Skazal vuslat im svoi kopii. Zavtra sdelaiy.
Delo v tom chto form 1042-S mne prishlo 2: s ACCELS i s moego yniversiteta. s moego ynivera ya okazuvaetsya polychila kakoi-to grant, pro kotoruy ya dazhe i ne znala.
A taxes svoi ya delala na kompjtere, na specialnom tax software. Tak chto vrode oshubki but ne dolzhno...
Gayosh, tu pisala, chto y tebya takoe bulo...Kak reshulos?
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

06-Apr-2001 08:55 PM
 Re: I'm back ;)
Guys, I am Ok now. The problem was in my University. They just sent me the wrong ammount of money. That's why I had to pay. Now I am allright.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

07-Apr-2001 06:19 PM
 Re: I'm back ;)
Privet Olesya, ya iz svoego univera vobshe nikakix form ne poluchala, a kogda sprosila oni skazali shto ne znayut shto eto za formi i shto oni takix ne vudayut. Moi advisor svyazalsya s ACTR tam skazali shto oni vobshe ni na kakie voprosi po taxes otvechat ne budut, tipa pust' sami razbirayutsya kak xotyat. mi eshe svoi ne zapolnyali, v ponedelnik u nas appointment s adviserom, mojet shto nibud pridumaem. a esli net, togda poshli oni vse kuda podalshe, zaparili uje.......
takie vot dela) u nas uje vesna v polnom razgare, mi uje davno i mechtat o xoroshei pogode perestali a tut vdrug solnce i daje bez kurtok mojno xodit')
rebyatki, ya tak obradovalas kogda poluchila accelsovskoe pismo o workshopax, tam polno narudu iz Delaware budet! Les, kstati mi tam toje po moemu vmeste budem) Tak shto uvidimsya, udachi vsem na midtermax...
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

07-Apr-2001 06:50 PM
 Re: I'm back ;)
Gayush jan ty shto toje 12ogo tam budesh'???? I"m gonna be in DC for that workshop for just two days. There are so many friends there on that date, that I won't stand the temptation and will take the train down for just two days ) Tak chto uvidimsya GAyush jan A u menya 21ogo toko ya i Haroyan Lusine iz Armenii...
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

09-Apr-2001 12:38 AM
 Re: I'm back ;)
Alin djan, kak klassno shto ti smojesh priexat' v DC na 12oe. Tam tochno polno narodu iz DE budet tak shto we'll have fun there, Actr nujno bulo podumat luchshe pered tem kak nas vsex tuda vmeste sobirat', vsyo taki stolica, strategicheski vajniy punkt kak nikak)
I'll see you almost all guys there) poka-poka...
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

09-Apr-2001 02:46 PM
 Re: I'm back ;)
Gayush jan, can you please tell me what time you are gonna arrive at DC and how? Because I have an exam on the 14th which means I'll have to return at night the 13th, that's not a big problem because there are trains at night from DC to Hartford or New Haven. But I want to spend enough time with everyone tak chto pihsi kogda priezhaesh' i kuda i kak -Kak Eminem govorit the why, and the where, and the what and the how ok?
talk to you soon.
Alincho-kez ahavor karotats
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

09-Apr-2001 08:54 PM
 Re: I'm back ;)
And fuck this forum, too
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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