Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Brat-3: ACTR Students Community Post new topic
28-Aug-2000 08:16 PM
  Rad vas privetstvovat' kolegi!!!!
Privet, ya Neo, student ACTR iz Ukrainu......
orientation u nas bula v Philadelphii...
vot....menay poprosili otkrut' vam forum na nashem portale.....
etot forum dlya vashih studentov, hotya esli est' kakieto osobuye problemu ili interesnue idei to imi mojna podelit'sya i s sodedyami...
takje rabotaet chat....nado vam vsem zaregistrirovat'sya tut snachala..
shtobu napisat' novoe soobchenie berite "Post new topic"... dlya chata click na (Chaters (X))
Ok.....pleased to meet you all!
esli est' znakomue v drugih partiyah, to pust' oni contact menya, ya echo im otkroyu.
Enjoy it!
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

11-Oct-2000 05:30 AM
 Re: Rad vas privetstvovat' kolegi!!!!
Remember the stone age?... heh.

Btw, by that time I was already in Atlanta.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

Community Moderators: Neo, LILKA
The time now is: Tue Sep 09:09 am
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