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12-Mar-2001 02:06 AM
  how many escapers are there?
can you guys tell me tell me who escaped from the program?
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

22-Mar-2001 07:00 PM
 Re: how many escapers are there?
Tak tebe seychas i raskajut kto
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

22-Mar-2001 08:37 PM
 Re: how many escapers are there?
A cho escape to? ;-) Vzal i ostalsa, esli tebe podhodit zhyzn nelegala, 2orosortnaya robota, i bolee menee stabilnoye budushee. Samoye nepriyatnoye pravda to sho domoy ne poedesh.
Nana, a ty sluchayna ne iz Drexela?
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

23-Mar-2001 02:21 AM
 Re: how many escapers are there?
ostorojney s etim..
, ya ne isklyuchayu vozmojnosti shto DC chitaet vse nashi postu... skoree vsego da... poetomu luche vozderjat'sya ot rezkih vuskazaniy v ih storonu.... da i begunam toje.. dlya posledniy ... esli vu na eto reshilis' to po lyube vam luche derjat'sya vmeste i kontachitsya.... ya dumayu budet vpolne bezopasno esli vu budete svoi soobcheniya postit' na ruskom slange..... tipa "botit' po fene":-)) da i nicki levue, tak shto tut vse kruto...

lana, keep in touch!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

24-Mar-2001 10:09 PM
 Re: how many escapers are there?
Eto s kakix por ty tak podpysivaeshsya???
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

24-Mar-2001 11:24 PM
 Re: how many escapers are there?
A cho skryvatsa to esli nihto bezat nikuda ne sobiralsa. ;-) Vo vsakom sluchaye ya domoy vo Lvov letom polechu s BOOOOLSHUSHIM udovostviyem. Da dazhe esli htoto i chitayet, to shto togda? Sami zhe postoyanno tverdat: Svoboda slova ;-)) XEXE.
P.S.Alina, welcome back ;-)
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

25-Mar-2001 12:27 AM
 Re: how many escapers are there?
Thanks Taras jan.
Will I see you in chat today?
Vanya mne zvonil kogda menya eshcho ne bylo. I have to call him back. But I'm so tired I'm not sure I won't fall asleep here in the lab
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

25-Mar-2001 12:29 AM
 Re: how many escapers are there?
es yerevi ord lab um anstkatsnum,. ha
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

25-Mar-2001 12:37 AM
 Re: how many escapers are there?
Escapees are subject to immediate extermination by Interpol officials.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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