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12-Sep-2000 03:12 PM
  Pace, ya perezhivayu za vas!
Oxsanka, eto u vas tam problemy s pitaniem?
Devchenki (i mal'chishki), mne kazhetsya samyj luchshij vyhod - eto cooking yourself. Zhal', chto dazhe zdes' ne udaetsya otdohnut' ot etih kastrul', no den'gi yavlyayutsya opredelyaushim factorom. K tomu zhe, eto ne tak ploho, potomu chto vydelennyh vam deneg dolzhno hvatit', a esli pravil'no rasplanirovat' rashody, tak eshe i na udovol'stviya ostanetsya. Eto vse, konechno, teoriya. Ya zhelayu vam uspehov v etom beznadezhnom dele.
Obyazate'no otvet'te, kak tam u vas things going.

## Ya tut eshe napisala odno poslanie, no, idiotka, pomestila ego tak, chto ego mozno ne zametit'. Kliknite na "Ot samoj schastlivoj osoby na zemle" (Ot Irihi Nastalovskoj). Vtoroe poslanie - moe ob advisore.

See Ya.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

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The time now is: Wed Sep 03:09 am
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