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01-Jan-2002 09:11 AM
  © MUSIC ® (we moved)

Music Picks

...the links are gone, coz there are too many of them and they just don't fit here...

so Klik heeer, klik it, klik ze battuhn.

PEOPLE, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2002!!! year, new update. Donno why I did dat, just felt like... coz I'm afraid I'm gonna forget deez thongs... songz... tfu [ This message was edited by: YeRKiN on: 3-17-2001 00:52 ]
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

30-Sep-2000 05:55 PM
 Re: © MUSIC ® (we moved)
Yerik, smotryu tvoy nick pol'zuetsya uspekhom. Ya rada za tebya! (Khe-Khe)!
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

10-Dec-2000 12:12 AM
 Re: © MUSIC ® (we moved)
Hey, Yerkin, the collection could be better, no offence! I don't mean that you don't have many resources, no, but some songs are mildly "out of mainstream line". To my mind, ATB, Deep Forest, Eiffel 65, Eminem & Dr. Dre, Roxette, Sash!,Touch and Go are not good enough to be placed in your honored list. Try to put smth from Tricky, Portishead, Massive Attack, Squarepusher, Prodigy, Rammstein, Auktion etc.
But the start is good! Your opinion is welcome.
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

10-Dec-2000 09:41 AM
 Re: © MUSIC ® (we moved)

I am glad Yerkin did include those songs in that collection. The music there reflects the diverstiy, and that is a good thing...

Thank you, Yerkin, for your great musical post!
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

17-Jan-2001 02:42 PM
 Re: © MUSIC ® (we moved)
Rostuk, Ja ne ponyal chem nazvanije toboj imena lychshe, chem imena kotorije ti otverg?? Nazovi xotya-bi odny prichiny!!! Chto, slishkom popsovije ispolniteli, ili kak? Popsa housa nedostoina bit' v spiske, a popsa trip-hopa okazaivaetsya dostojna. Kakoj interesnij point. Mozhet it eshche kakije nibyt' ymnije misli opyblikyjesh.. xotya moj tebe sovet - lychshe pyblikyj ssilki na svoj Prodigy, chem takije frazi, bydet zvychat' meneje glypo i boleje proffesional'no.
A v sledyjyshchij raz pered tem kak obsyzhdat' "dostoinstva" drygix, podymaj - dostoin li ti voobshche proiznosit' vslyx takie imena kak ATB ili Dr. DRe. Mozhet i sam do pravil'nogo otveta dojdesh.
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

19-Jan-2001 05:53 PM
 Re: © MUSIC ® (we moved)
At this moment I think it would be quite reasonable to already start

diversifying the music, splitting it into categories. Rostyk and Rat are

two good guys with exquisite music tastes, BUT I have something to

say to both of them:

Kids, quiet!

Kruto, da? )))

Rostyk: Eminem, Eiffel 65, Sash! i prochaya popsa, chto ya postavil, poprostu

udovletvorenie zhelanii auditorii, sam ya takoe slushayu redko. Squarepusher,

Prodigy, Portishead i pr. ya ne nashel v RAM, v Napstere takih kucha, a vot RAMov

tyu-tyu. Kstati Rammstein eto govno (no offense).

Ratmir: Paul Oakenfold priezzhal v Atlantu kak-to. Elki-palki, ne smog popast' tuda,

vse bylo SOLD OUT!. And you have good point in music.

I burned couple of CDs these past couple of months, mainly drawn from Napster.

If you wish I can post its contents, but you'll have to look for real audio files yourselves.

Searching for RAMs is even harder than for MP3s which are in abundance out there,

but still it's quite tricky to get around without such handy tools as Napster or Scour.


PS: Yo, Rostyk and Rat, check out Herbie Hancock's «Rock It»!
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

20-Jan-2001 02:05 AM
 Re: © MUSIC ® (we moved)
chesno govorya ja o myzike yzhe davno ni s kem ne spory. Y kazhdogo svoj vkys. Mne prosto ne nravitsya kogda ludi, kotorije v nej nixera ne ponimajyt, govoryat o nej chto-to nesyraznoje. A v ostal'nom, ja s toboj , Yekir, soglasen. Peace, tovarishchi!!!!!
Music is the Key. Enjoy it.
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

20-Jan-2001 02:18 AM
 Re: © MUSIC ® (we moved)
Rat s toboi soglasen!

[ This message was edited by: ErLeN on: 1-20-2001 03:18 ]
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

20-Jan-2001 09:37 PM
 Re: © MUSIC ® (we moved)
Paul Oakenfold

[ This message was edited by: ratmir on: 1-20-2001 11:12 ]
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

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