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21-Jan-2001 11:10 PM
 Re: © MUSIC ® (we moved)
I don't know who you are ( and greatly uninterested in it), but I assume that you are at least an impolite and narrow-minded person, since you are trying to judge about me from only one message that you had read . I can also percept this as the PR action about your understanding, though, I'm sure, thinking people at forum have realized such a fake step at once. About arguing... it's always a pleasure to argue with a person, who knows how to argue in a civilized way. However, no arguments with you!
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

26-Jan-2001 05:47 AM
 Re: © MUSIC ® (we moved)
Chto ti mne tyt parish? Kakije people v foryme? kakije civilized ways? Ti schitaesh to chto ja skazal, eto ne civilizivano? Ti obidelas'? Ny prosti, dorogaja, ja etogo ne xotel.. vitri slezki, vklychi "Prodigy", najdi kakogo-nit' civilizovanogo cheloveka, chtobi s nim kyl'tyrno podebatirovat', prodolzhaj razvivat' svojy "filosofijy znakomstv po internety". Ona zvychit dovol'no.. kak bi eto skazat' .. "ne glypo" chto-li.
Ja iskal v slovare slovo "narrov-minded", - predstav', ne nashel.. ti bi ne mog mne objasnit', chto eto znachit? Ny pozhalyjsta!!! Pozhalyjsta!!! Objasni mne CHTO ETO ZNACHIT!!!!!!! A-a-a-a!!!!!!! (note: emocii k etim slovam smotri v fil'me "Fight Club")
Bol'she mne tebe osobo skazat', nechego. Dovol'no zhalko portit' na takoje nenyzhnoje delo klaviatyry i vremya. Odin sovet ja tebe dal, tvoja broad-minded bashka ego propystila. It's up to u, dude.
Xa-xa-xa-xa-xa-xa-xa-xa-xa-xa.. salojed .. a-xa-xa-xa.

Dr. RaT
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

26-Jan-2001 06:07 AM
 Re: © MUSIC ® (we moved)
One more message of this kind and I'll delete all of them - you're littering my nice post by your dirty mutual comments.

[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

26-Jan-2001 06:30 AM
 Re: © MUSIC ® (we moved)
Prishel grozny dyad'ka Yerkin i na vseh nakrichal.
Tishe deti, a to ved' tochno postiraet tut vse. Moderator vse-taki, imeet pravo! Da i topic tozhi evony..
Molotok Yerk! Nakonets vizhu moderatora v deystvii, he-he!
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

26-Jan-2001 03:05 PM
 Re: © MUSIC ® (we moved)
Y nas v strane demokratija, kazhdij pishet to , chto schitaet nyzhnim. Ni odnogo ploxogo slova ja ne skazal, pyst' ja i narrow-mined person. Esli ti xochesh chtobi v tvojem topike nikto nichego ne pisal.... sil vous plait konechno, no togda emy grozit medlennoje opyskanije na dno spiska messagej. V Penn1 Directory I was trying to find the same topic, with music, i on bil nastol'ko daleko, chto v drygoj raz ja tyda prosto ne polezy, drygije tozhe ne zaxotyat. If you want me to get out of your message - skazhi pryamo, ja postarajys' ponyat'. Ti zhe moderator vse-taki, eto zvychit gordo i po-nachal'nicheski, tak chto davaj, komandyj, ssorsya s neydobovarimimi lydmi, stiraj vse podryad, formatiryj server etc etc.

P.S. Ja gde-to sprashival, kak zapisatsya na kyrsi moderatorov, no nikto tak i ne priznalsya.
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

26-Jan-2001 06:41 PM
 Re: © MUSIC ® (we moved)
cursy moderatorov - eto strashny sekret, kotory Papa peredaet tol'ko izbrannym lichnostyam po tol'ko emu odnomu izvestnym kriteriyam.
Nam prostym smertnym vryad li udastsa ego razgadat', no, esli ty gorish' zhelaniem, mozhno popytat'sa obratit'sa napryamuyu k "Nemu", mozhet poluchitsa? Kto znaet? Togda u nas budet chetyre, a ne tri moderatora! I ty smozhesh' tozhe grozitsa steret' chuzhie messagi!;)
Take it easy guys!
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

26-Feb-2001 12:13 AM
 Re: © MUSIC ® (we moved)

A la Ratmir's style. Wanna tell you something about this awesome DJ. First of all it's a woman DJ who makes a very cool music, but also sings (she's got nice vocals), and the man thing is that she's HOT.

Click to see an excerpt from the Bad Girl clip

Her biography is very colorful. She was born in Singapore and lived in a lot of places since then. Finally she landed in UK...

Everyday Girl - excerpt

Good To Be Alive - excerpt
-QuickTime- "It's Good To Be Alive" from the album "Learning Curve" (2000)

-RealVideo- A message direct from DJ Rap herself

-RealVideo- DJ Rap's video biography

-MacromediaFlash3- DJ Rap Flash site

All materials taken from these sites: and

[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

07-Mar-2001 10:22 PM
 Re: © MUSIC ® (we moved)
Prikol'no)A eshe real player suxx i must die(gy,nu priam kak Windows 9*:-))Da i 2000 tuda zhe)Davaite bol'she mp3(xotia mne esli chestno vse ravno:-))Ia ne skachivau,i niche krome Arii i Maidonov ne sluxau)Opsa eshe Qween i Meladze)Che smeetes'?!U menia prosto space lishnii na CD ostavalsia...prishlos' Meladzhe zamutit')

[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

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