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14-Apr-2001 04:28 AM
  YerQin, please read this.
first let me ask you a question-how old were you when you were making web sites? second let me inform you, that my web was made by my cousin who is 12 years old, doesn't have any systematic CIS classes, and he came here from Armenia, where the comp access is not easy...
finally if you wanna critisize someone, try to pick up opropriate words, especially when you're critisizing me,
first think, then call someone's work a bullshit, you don't know me , I don't know you, if you were my friend, i might have considered your words a joke, so
try to be careful in your remarks in the furure...
i'll be very glad for your further remarks....
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

14-Apr-2001 05:44 PM
 Re: YerQin, please read this.
YA soglasen s Araratom. YerQin esli ti bespokioishsa nashot Araratskogo site to ne kritikuy a esli mojhesh pomogi emu. Tembolee ti ego ne znaesh. I podumay shto mojhet bit kogda nibud esli vstretites i drug drugu na glaza budete smotret. A esli on ot tebya kak mujhik otchot poprosit ti smojhesh dat emu otchot. Ne sovetuyu tak delat esli ne kochesh koneshno jhit kak bezotchotnik po jhizni. I davayte budem ispitivat drug k drugu tolko khoroshie chuvstva. Tvoya kritika pered publikoy nashot Ararata ne prinesyot tebe ne kokikh plyusov.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

14-Apr-2001 05:50 PM
 Re: YerQin, please read this.
YA soglasen s Araratom. YerQin esli ti bespokioishsa nashot Araratskogo site to ne kritikuy a esli mojhesh pomogi emu. Tembolee ti ego ne znaesh. I podumay shto mojhet bit kogda nibud esli vstretites i drug drugu na glaza budete smotret. A esli on ot tebya kak mujhik otchot poprosit ti smojhesh dat emu otchot. Ne sovetuyu tak delat esli ne kochesh koneshno jhit kak bezotchotnik po jhizni. I davayte budem ispitivat drug k drugu tolko khoroshie chuvstva. Tvoya kritika pered publikoy nashot Ararata ne prinesyot tebe ne kokikh plyusov.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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