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23-Apr-2001 09:28 PM
  S.O.S. Topic for procrastinators
Hi guys, how's everyone? hope doing good. I just had an idea, if you don't like it it's okay. :-) I thought we all wrote hundred papers during this year, and now at the end when we haev so many other things to do before we leave, writign final papers doesn't sound fun. So if you need one, why not post the Topic for paper, and the field you are majorign in. May be someone has anything that could help you out.
And as you guessed, this idea came from a
If any of you majoring in business or communciation haev papers related to Management (any topic you could thihk of), 5 pages, double space, feel free to send to to
Appreciate for any help, feel free to post your procrastinating paper, will help you out if I can.

[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

23-Apr-2001 10:42 PM
 Re: S.O.S. Topic for procrastinators
krunk jan du oves???
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

24-Apr-2001 12:19 AM
 Re: S.O.S. Topic for procrastinators
Just that you addressed me in Armenian means you guessed who I am a bit at least, no? I am the girl that you talked to yesterday in chat, Armenian, living in Russia, originally from Karabakh. :-)
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

24-Apr-2001 12:40 AM
 Re: S.O.S. Topic for procrastinators
Nan, nice description of your national background...
"Gharabaghtsi Rusastanits, vor@ gtnvum e Michiganum.."
Anahit, I didn't know you post such ideas over here...
anyways e-mail or call me today, please...................................................................................................bla bla bla....please...ghndrum em..........
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

24-Apr-2001 01:43 AM
 Re: S.O.S. Topic for procrastinators
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

24-Apr-2001 06:28 PM
 Re: S.O.S. Topic for procrastinators
Aron lav el asets. Priezhay k nam v Yerevan, kak nado primem ty u nas byvala ran'she?
When will you be in DC?
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

24-Apr-2001 07:09 PM
 Re: S.O.S. Topic for procrastinators
Hi Alincho, thanks for the invitation, I was in Yerevan a lot of times, and hopefully will be there this summer too on my way to Stepanakert.
Ararat! I called you yesterday, you were not home, I just give up to get hold of you, I have late exam today too, so I will be home after 9 my time. Have sth to tell you.
Good luck everyone on finals.
Oh and I will be in WA for the 1st workshop, from 29 April till 9th May. :-)
Ararat I know my background is a complicated But that makes everything more interesting right? Till later
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

24-Apr-2001 07:51 PM
 Re: S.O.S. Topic for procrastinators
During the 1915-1918 The Turkish Govenrment performed a systematic cleansing of the Armenian nation from their historical homeland(present Turkey).
The Genocide was planned to elaminate Armenians as
a Political and Cultural unit of that Empire. Bringing the reason of the WWI the Young Turks started to arrest and assasinate the intelligencia concentrated in Kostandnupolis(Istanbul).
The second step was to mobilize the males from 18 to 45 year old, disarm them and murdur group by group.
Afterwards the peaceful population was forced to move to the deserts of Middle East(Mesopotemia)to starve and die on their way to the final destination.
Facts: 1.5 million died,
2 million escaped from the massacres,
500 thousand were forced to change their religion..
Basicly the Armenian nation as itself was on the edge of disapearing.
the 24th of April was chosen as a Memory day according to the day of the arrest of the Armenian intelligencia(600 people) in Istanbul in 1915.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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