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21-Sep-2000 09:54 PM
  Here is the latest folks about the Comm Serv requirement
As I told you guys before Yerkin really screwed up here at Emory. But he is a good kid I feel sorry for him. Anyway life is brutal. As you know he has to complete 180 hours of community service here. You think it is bad? Well it depends on how you view it. For example my buddy Yerkin loves to help people. That is his lifetime vacation if you will. So he was quick. I found an organization for him which is called hands on Atlanta and Volunteer Emory. Great folks. They really know their stuff. So Yerkin went there and explained the situation. Of course he left out all the embarassing details you understand. Anyway now Yerkin is busy helping the community. First of all he is in charge of cleaning up the sidewalks in front of the Goizueta Business School where in fact I am studying at the moment. It is a #15 business school in the country. So I was going to class this morning and saw Yerkin with this big shovel trying to get the goddamn dirt out of the sidewalk. He also takes care of the leaves that fall from trees here. We got many trees on campus and therefore many leaves on the sidewalks. Somebody has to take care of that you know. We want to have a clean campus. So that is what Yerkin has to do now. Furthermore they said it was not enough and the administration in fact highly encouraged Yerkin to take an additional community service on the weekend. It turned out that the housing department did not have enough personnel so they made Yerkin clean the restrooms at the residence halls on the weekends.Now we got real clean bathrooms here guys. They do everything to improve the conditions here. The toilets are as good as new now. I really enjoy it. This saturday Yerkin wants me to go to a new fraternity called Phi Delta Theta. They have a cool party there. So maybe I will go there have some fun. That is it with the news. Now you have got the latest on the story. I have been on top of it from the beginning and my major is journalism anyway so I am having some practice covering this big story. By the way Yerkin has become real popular after that embarassing incident and people start to recognize him on the streets. After all he is working there. Thanks everyone for reading. I hope you have enjoyed it. Check later for more. Rus from Ukraine.

[ This message was edited by: Rus on: 9-21-2000 21:51 ]
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

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