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18-Oct-2000 08:51 PM
  mid-term break
here i am in portal again, after 5 days of my absense(which can be considered pretty long period of time in terms of my computer-addict state in the us))
i suspect that all of us had their mid term breaks already and i just want to tell you about the way i spent mine, because it's one of the greatest weekends in my life!
if you are not interested you can switch to another topic. but if you want to read this assignment, you are welcome, especially those who are not used to hear or read me in english)
Well, here we go, now about my adventures during this 4-day mid term break(14-17 october).it's a kind of brief story, 'cause to tell all the fun i had there, i'd need the whole was one of the best adventures in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my georgian roommates and i went on a hiking and water rafting trip. it was our NEC adventure bound who organized this trip. there were 7 people in our team: our leader Julie, co-leader our student Fernando(he s from Spain, I think I told you about him), american guy Tony(he's so cute!!!!! and nice, but he almost has a girlfriend that is actually a usual drawback of local cute nice guys)), american girl Liz(she is actually his "almost girlfriend"), and 3 of us: Olia, Nata and me. We left on Friday afternoon and came to the white water rafting station, spent one night there and the next morning after breakfast dressed properly for water rafting(for those who don't imagine what is actually white water rafting i explaine - it's a kind of extremal sport, when you, sitting in the boat, several people, overcome big waves and go down the mountain river), well you know all that stuff like wet-suit, helmet etc. and after like hour drive turned out to be near the river. our guide chose tony and me to sit in front of the boat, and as i understood a little later it is the most terrific place in the boat. actually when you watch the water rafting issues on tv, it seems much more dangerous, but when you are in the boat it's SO MUCH FUN!!!!
it was the river of sometimes level 4-5(it is what our guide said to us, thoughi donno what is the highest grade). i couldn't even ever imagine that i could go into the water in the mid october, when it was freezing at night and even swim in this water. i actually wanted to swim, but something happened for a moment and i felt bad when i jumped into the water, that's why our guide pulled me back to the boat, na vsyakiy sluchai, though i'd feel fine, i guess, but anyway, when we overcame all the "dangerous" part of tye river, we had to float downstream for like 40 minutes doing nothing, 'cause it was slow water, and they started telling jokes, sometimes dirty, but very funny, we played the game, called "big blue moon", if you doono how to play it i can show you was saturday. that night we finished packing our bagpacks to leave all the not-needed stuff in the van, because we had to go hiking on sunday. we had to drive from water rafting company to the parking lot to leave our van there and start our hike.
sunday till tuesday we were hiking in appalachian mountains in new hampshire. i'm so proud that on monday we climbed the mountain which is the part of long appalachian trail. this trail goes from georgia to maine and is approximately 2100 miles long. some people hike it all every year. it's really difficult and changes your life and takes about 6 months. it was what we were told by the 3 people who are almost done on this trail. because it's about 300 miles left for them.
well, on sunday we had to get to the hut, which is ~4 miles far from the parking lot, so we did a good job and finally got to the hut - several wooden small buildings, in the main hut - gas lamps, several tables with benches and kind of kitchen to cook. all food has to be taken by the hikers, and all trash you produse you have to carry out with you. in the cabins, where people usually sleep there are only beds with no heating and light. so we felt like animals though my roomates suffered a little from sleaping in the sleeping bag and being without shower for 4 days
when we climbed that mountain on monday, it got rainy when we were almost half-way up to the top, so we had to put on our wind-brakers, though my one got absolutely wet when we started going down and i had to take it off and put on a pretty sexy dress made for me by JUlie from the big trash sack by cutting the holes for my hands and head in it. it was so nice. i looked like a real footbal(i mean american football)player with their wide-wide shoulders. The view on the top was marvellous, so you can imagine - we above the clouds and mountains and mountains around! it was awesome!!!! the most impressive thing about that all was that on the way back the water on the rocks almost turned into the ice and it was pretty slipery on those steep slopes. but wee did it and were very proud of ourselves.we came back to the hut almost cold and somebody absolutely wet , but happy and proud. we spent two nights in the huts, playing domino and cards, i learned several new sleng and non-sleng words. i spent relly good time there. those guys were a really good team. so, on tuesday we,happy, smelly,even stinky and dirty had to go home to henniker(i really didn't want to). we came back with the only desire to take a shower, we did it and i felt like i'm a real human being, because i was clean, but i can't express how nuch fun i had this weekend(actually all 4 days) with those guys. i heven't had such a great weekend for a long time.
one more good, even great point about this trip is that it was free. first when we heard about it, it seemed rather expensive for us, but they had not enough people, that's why they were eager to take us for the sake of us for free.)
well, that's all for now. it was a brief story of my mid-term break.

if any questions, comments or details, you are always welcome to ask.
truly yours, masha, NEC, Henniker, New Hanpshire.
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

20-Oct-2000 04:14 AM
 Re: mid-term break
Masha, you are COOL!!! You did a great job! Thank you for this magnificent story! Your post should get a prize coz I think it is the biggest one written by a person! MASHA FOR THE GUINESS RECORD!!! ;)))

I am really glad for you. You've spent a nice time, that most of us would envy you. I wonder did you take a camera with you there? I wish I've seen it all in pictures (and even more in real).

About your first experience in creative English writing: it is quite decent. Few typos, a bit awkward in using slang words (please skip all those "like" words - they are used only in verbal), otherwise pretty understandable

We also had quite a story here on our fall break. Of course it wasn't that colorful and it took place only on Sunday, but still I have a lot to tell about it. Just wait a little bit, until I gather all my thoughts in one chunk and put it here.

Thanks for the stuff to read! Enjoy your time there, babe ;)

[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

20-Oct-2000 02:51 PM
 Re: mid-term break
thanks, babe.
i'm sure you are the only guy in this company who read those long-long opuses and even post replies(i don't read all of them to be honest).
sorry but i don't think i'll change my "like"-style in this novel, because i've got no patience to re-read all this great stuff once again ), thoug having read the first paragraf i admit that you are right.
thanks for attention and patience.
grateful me.

[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

20-Oct-2000 05:49 PM
 Re: mid-term break
your mid-term break sucks.
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

20-Oct-2000 07:48 PM
 Re: mid-term break
This is my response to Masha's story.
Well, this shit was pretty long so it took me 2 days to finish it. Really cool story, I bet you had fun with all those guys (and girls??????). Well I hope there were only guys but you never know. Overall, good, a little messy but pretty informative. This weekend I will have a great time at the frat row with all those GIRLS. I think it is really good when you work really hard during the week and then you go out and act like a complete ass. I will get so drunk tonight that Yerkin will hear me knocking on his door at 5:30 in the morning. But he will not hear that cause he will be too drunk too. Next week we have Halloween right? That is when a lot of people are taken to the hospital because, they get so intoxicated with alcohol. Well I plan to participate too, but I need a costume. Good thing Yerkin does not have to dress up for that thing, cause his usual attire reminds me of the Vietanam war and Yerkin basically looks like a Vietkong private Li Kung Hueng. The only thing that he needs is a big dagger. I do need a costume though. And I have no ideas so maybe you could recommend me something. Anyway we'll take care of that later. Good story Masha, you have to use more cuss words that way it will me just terrific.
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

20-Oct-2000 10:48 PM
 Re: mid-term break
Vasya, ehvy, ha?
Rus, honey, thanks for appreciation!! )
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

23-Oct-2000 11:18 PM
 Re: mid-term break
Masha,ia tak i ne smog dochitat' tvoi opus,no nachalo mne napomnilo staryi anecdot:"Mal'chik pishet v svoem sochinenii:"kogda nashei babushke bylo 65 let ona nachala proxodit' v den' po 5 km. Seichas ee 90 i my poniatia ne imeem gde ona!"
No ia ochen' rad za tebia i za to chto vy tak xorosho provodite vremia v vashei derevne:-))(ia shuchu,ne obizhaisia)No kak govorit'sia vo vsex uchebnikax po literature:"kratkost'- sestra talanta":-)))
P.S Ty pochemu na moe pis'mo ne otvetila?
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

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