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25-Mar-2001 12:25 AM
ne krichi na menia, ok, a to razazlys',
P.S. potom yesho sprashivayut atkuda teroristi beruts'a
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

25-Mar-2001 12:32 AM
 Re: Leskaaaaaaaa
A che vse terroristy Armyane?.. Hmmm... zarublyu sebe na nosu...
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

25-Mar-2001 12:40 AM
 Re: Leskaaaaaaaa
kto? my? kak poluchish tak uvidish kakie terroristy armyane !!!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

25-Mar-2001 02:56 AM
 Re: Leskaaaaaaaa
Yerkin, you are right. no po sravneniu vsegh, Armiani terroristi v lubovnigh atnosheniagh, i kstat'i nashi ataki vsegda zhelaemi vo vsegh atnasheniagh, vot tak..
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

25-Mar-2001 03:41 AM
 Re: Leskaaaaaaaa
Ne krichy ya ni na kogo (ochen nado, podymaesh!!!) Ya voobsche belaya i pyshustaya, inogda... A sechas nastroenie plohoe, to ya zelenaya i ochen ugly... Takoe poslednee vremya buvaet chasche chem "pyshustost". Daaaaaa, vot takie dela...
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

25-Mar-2001 02:48 PM
 Re: Leskaaaaaaaa
da, pushistaya ti maya, pomniu kakaya ti pughlinkaya bila, no po moemu togda beloi bila ti, a pushistim kak vsegda ia,,,,, skuchayu po starim domrim vremenam,
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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