Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Brat-3: ACTR Students Community Post new topic
31-Mar-2001 04:12 PM
  Thank you!
Vot xorosho imet' druzei !!!
Spasibo vam za advice rebyata, Kirill, teper ya po krainei mere znayu gde sobaka zarita) Nam v univere ne dali etoi vtoroi 1040 gde kod 2 a ne 4 kak ti pisal, i nikto nichego o taxax ne znaet ili po krainei mere ne xotiat otvechat'. No ya v ponedelnik otkuda nibud' etu vtoruyu formu naidu i togda uje vrode poniatno kak eto delo handle. shas esho na etot site zaidu a vecherom esli poluchitsya v chat za free tax adviceom ot Alinki) Spasibo eshe raz!
naslajdaites vesnoi, po krainei mere te komu klimaticheskie usloviya pozvolyayut a esho luchshe poshlite mne v etot xolodniy, resiy NY nemnojko solnca)
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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