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23-Sep-2000 04:50 AM
  This is a very sad and thrilling story about Yerkin and me
I believe that many people know Rus and Yerkin by now. That is very good because the popularity of this issue has gone through the roof. I would like to hear more stories from other people but one gives a damn. Too sad. Anyway Yerkin and I are fine here. Today is Friday and we decided to stay home because nothing is on. So tomorow we will go to the mall to hang out with our black brothers. The Lennox mall is really a weird place. Blacks are everywhere. They usually wander around with no purpose. Nevertheless it is a fun place to go. I remember we went there one time and we had a lot of fun. I bought crappy pants at Structure and a lousy shirt at GAP. My buddy Yerkin just blew me away. He is a funny kid and I like him but he really screwed up that day. While I was trying on some stuff at Structure he ran away. When he returned he had a bag with an inscription RICHES on it. I asked him what he bought and he pulled out a bathrobe. HALAT in other words. Do you know how much he paid for that? 70 dollars. And the bathrobe was really crappy made of some lousy polyester and stuff. I said: "Yerkin are you out of your mind? This stuff is $10 bucks worth!". "Yeah"-he said-"but I thought I needed that god damn HALAT for the shower." Finally I convinced him to go back and return it. This story is not necessarily helarious but a very wise one. The key idea here is NEVER BUY anything at RICHES or MACY's or anything like that. The stuff is overpriced.
Now the next part of the story is about RUS and about his screw up. That was an honest screw up I swear. As always Yerkin and I went to the Gym. We go there every once in awhile. Yerkin always works his muscles, wants to become Mr.Olimpia. Rus always plays ping pong and swims cause he is not man enough to cope with that IRON stuff. That day we decided to go play tennis. I am a complete novice, Yerkin on the other hand is a pro, very good at it. So we borrowed the rackets and went to find a free court. As a matter of fact there are a bunch of tennis courts on the roof of the Woodruff Physical Education Center. You will see pictures of it soon. So since all the courts outside were taken we decided to check those on the roof. We got there by elevator. Rus opened the door and a strange thing happened. It turned out that he pulled the fire alarm and we heard this terrible buzz emenating from every single loud speaker installed in the building. It was terrible. Rus was startled. He did not know what to do. Then Yerkin spotted that giant banner over the door."WARNING!!!! DO NOT OPEN. THE FIRE ALARM WILL BE ON". It was hard not to spot that sign. It was giant. But Rus did not. The security guards appeared from nowhere and it turned out that the roof was reserved for the helicopter. Later Rus was told in the Police Department that the former president Jimmy Carter was supposed to speak at the Woodpec. This fire alarm of couse disturbed people, the FBI agents and Jimmy CARTER. So Rus was put on academic probation. Now he has to complete 80 hours of community service under Yerkin's supervision. This is a sad story after all. The idea here is that Rus was really wasted and did not see the sign. Yerkin on the other hand was thinking about computers or some other shit and he also did not spot it. So please let this be a tip for everyone. Read all the directions carefully.
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

23-Sep-2000 05:07 AM
 Re: This is a very sad and thrilling story about Yerkin and me
Great story!

You seem to be obsessed by the community service, aren't you?
You are kind of sad today...
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

26-Sep-2000 01:28 AM
 Re: This is a very sad and thrilling story about Yerkin and me
I think, guys, that if you continue doing every week all those things that really disturb your environment, you can wait for me in a year, begging you to give me a peace of advice about any community service I can think about . O, zavernula,a. no, vse je.

[ This message was edited by: musliba on: 9-26-2000 01:21 ]
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

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