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28-Jan-2001 08:14 PM
Guys! I am so jelous--you're going to parties and having fun!!!I feel so miserable over here. I am SOOOOOOOOOO sick!!!I do not know what's up with me. My temperature is extremely high (now it's 38C). I feel so bad these days. I haven't been to a doctor, and I do not want to go there, so... I do not even know what medicine to take. Everybody is advising me smth, but nth really helps. Wow!
Sorry for writing all this stuff here, but I just need your support right now, I think. Thanks for reading.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

28-Jan-2001 11:25 PM
 Re: SOS
Hi Olesya!
I don't know what kind of illness you dealing with, but the best cure for me always were onions, garlic, and honey. Hot tea with raspberry "varenye" also helps, but tea here sucks and I didn't see "varenye" here.
Wear warm clothes, take a lot of vitamins, sleep a lot, this is all what I can say in this situation. If condition persists, you better see the doctor.
Hope my advice helps! Wish you to recover quickly!
Don't give up!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

29-Jan-2001 02:43 AM
 Re: SOS
Oleska, vsyo chto Nurbek skazal tebe obyazatel'no pomozhet, tolko on zabil odnu veshch'- pomni chto mi vse tebya lyubim, pomnim i zhelayem zdorovya. Derzhis', sweetie, you'll be ok. Take care of yourself, we need you!!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

29-Jan-2001 01:15 PM
 Re: SOS
hello Oles djan!!!
Vizdoravlivai, ne vremya seichas bolet', Take care and see a doctor, see you HEALTHY!!!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

29-Jan-2001 05:40 PM
 Re: SOS
Hey, Olesya,
Anya tut nedavno tozhe bolela, here is advise from her experience: Drink as much as you can (I don't mean alcohol, I mean juice, tea, coffe and so on), Apel'sinovyy sok pomogaet, esh' pobol'she apel'sinov. Takzhe kupi sebe Vitamin C and A i esh' ikh posle edy kazhdyy raz (3 raza v den', i eschyo, I don't really know if you should take them before or after meal, but I'm telling what Anna did). Ne zabyvay chto skazala Alincho i ne port' sebe nastroenie tem chto u tebya tam net lots of parties - make your life more joyful yourself, do other activities if you can't go to parties, go skating, skiing, if you have a chance, if not find something else to do, don't bother yourself with what others have and you don't, enjoy yourself with what you have, may be others don't have what you have and they would like to have that.
"I zhit' khorosho, i zhizn' khorosha," -
Dumali parni chelyust' krusha.

Optimisty odnako!

Nu ladno, ne boley!

[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

29-Jan-2001 11:55 PM
 Re: SOS
Guys, thanks to all of you for all your advice and cheering me up. That helps!!! Now I am OK. I feel good, but steel have kinda higher than normal temperature, but at least I feel OK, and I can walk and attend classes...Tha's great!
Well, actually I was not that worried that I do not go to any parties, Roxy, I just wanted to be healthier. Now life is going on and I am trying to enjoy it again.
Btw, tomorrow is my boyfriend's birthday, so poveselimsya!!!
Thanks everyone again! I appreciate your friendship very-very-very much!!!
Love ya!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

30-Jan-2001 06:39 PM
 Re: SOS
Hi Olesya and nice to hear that you are getting better every day...Please try to take care of yourself and everything gonna be alright girl!!
Sincerely Kirill Zuykov.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

30-Jan-2001 11:21 PM
 Re: SOS
Olesya, my congratulations for your boyfriends birthday. Many happy returns!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

04-Feb-2001 04:10 PM
 Re: SOS
Hi, Olesya!
I'm so sorry for not writing you emails for a long time. I'm glad that you are ok now and I hope that you had wonderful holidays. I'm looking forward to meet you in May and to talk to you. I'm sure that we have something to tell each other. How is it going in your life?
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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