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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Brat-3: ACTR Students Community Post new topic
04-Feb-2001 11:54 PM
 Re: SOS
Sasha???? A ti kto, izvini za lyubopitstvo???
Kto bi ni bil, I see you for the first time and I hope it wasn't the last time. Welcome to Delaware. I think you are the SAsha guy in Delaware, are you?
Anyway, everyone!!!!!! I think we can finally declare Delaware portal officially alive and operating!!
Ura, ura, ura!!!!!!!
Oleska, pozdravlyayu s uspexom kollega.
Kstati, ti chyo ne pishesh??? Too much party on your boyfriend's birthday???
Alhtough you can never have too much party, moe lichnoye mnenie...
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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