Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Brat-3: ACTR Students Community Post new topic
28-Feb-2001 12:48 AM
  Attention! Portal is undergoing upgrades!
Wazzz up guyz!

Nakonec to u menya doshli ruki do Portala... cherez paru chasov ya hochu nemnojko poeksperementirovat' s nim....
navernoe ostavlyu tolko odin Upen1 i sdelayu ego general for all ACTR students... ya poputayus' eti forumu vse perekinut' v tot 1, no ne uveren shto ono u menya poluchitsya... tak shto vse eti forumu mogut but' poteryanu in case I will not succeed...
A vu mne shlite resources vse.... vsyakie linki, interesting info etc...

da, MC, ya mojet tvoi pictures s gorodami strelnu:-) i vustavlyu na portal:-) Uj bolno oni mne ponravilis':-))) esli u kogoto est' echo prikolnue fotki - shlite...

ladno, vse suggestions i commnets pishite..

[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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