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19-Feb-2001 08:36 PM
  Tax forms
Hi everybody!!!
Do you guys know what we should do about those tax forms? Everybody on campus right now is busy filling in some kind of tax forms or the other, and they said that the international students are to do so too. I think I remember ACTR telling us during the orientation not to think about any taxes, that they are going to do that for us. Do you know anything about it?
Hope everybody is having fun, and even doing good on the exams, good luck))
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

19-Feb-2001 09:31 PM
 Re: Tax forms
DO IT!!! If you worked, you would get the tax refund, and thats BIG money!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

19-Feb-2001 09:45 PM
 Re: Tax forms
Gayosh! Eti taxu... Y vas dolzhna v ynivere but kakaiya-to orientation po etomy. Y nas, naprimer bydet v marte i oni v osnovnom pomagaiyt internationalam s etim. Tak chto sprosi tam...
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

20-Feb-2001 08:12 PM
 Re: Tax forms
Spasibo rebyata!!!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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