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05-Sep-2001 04:58 AM
  After US in Armenia, hi
hi brothers and sisters. Whassup? yeah it's bullshit in our countries after US. I know that you all miss our sweet days in that heaven. it' s gone. please, keep in toush with eacxh other to ease each others' life. we should carry out our plans and not forget each other. those who know my e-mail go ahead and e-mail me. take care bye
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

05-Sep-2001 10:53 AM
 Re: After US in Armenia, hi
WoW!!! Arojan! Ne zhdala yvidet yzhe tebya zdes! Nice to see that you remember everything about the USA and Delaware ) Mne bu tozhe hotelos chtob siyda hodilo pobolshe liydej, osobenno znakomuh, but... Ny mozhna nadeiyatsya hotay bu.
Aro, tu Aliny davno videl? A to chto-to ona opyat propala. No reply to my e-mail sent a long time ago...
Ok, gonna go now.
Prihodite siyda, aaaa???
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

10-Sep-2001 01:33 PM
 Re: After US in Armenia, hi
Hi Oles' jan. sorry for not replying, I haven't been home. I was in Crimea, as you may know. Aro hasn't seen me for a very long time. More precisely, the last time was in June when we had an Undergrad gettogether party in Yerevan.
I have to go now. But I'll be back, and soon
Love ya all.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

12-Sep-2001 10:18 AM
 Re: After US in Armenia, hi
Privet vsem, not so many though( Revival 2 for Delaware? I'll be coming here more often now....
Guys did you see that?!!! NY and DC, Gooooooood, who would imagine that such a thing could be possible even in theory, looked like a hundred million dollar budget film......
Alin, how do you manage to get lost so easily? ) I mean, es kani or@ chem karum kez heraxosov brnacnem, el chem asum vor en reentryi or@ hasarakutyun@ anhamber kez er spasum)
I see Aro and others at the university, ekek mi or havakvenk en ko asacneri masin mtacenk, en or@ despanatan nerkaiacuccichnern ein asum vor mtadrutyun ka ed organize anelu.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

12-Sep-2001 04:31 PM
 Re: After US in Armenia, hi
we also feel that pain...
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

13-Sep-2001 07:50 AM
 Re: After US in Armenia, hi
Gayoshjan, I don't understand Armenian, I guess)
Ok, now I don't have time to write a lot, will talk to you all later.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

14-Sep-2001 08:09 AM
 Re: After US in Armenia, hi
Privet Olesjan) Sory for the Armenian, just telling Alincho that I couldnt get to her on the phone.......
How are you? Maaaaan, I've been busy recently, sredi moix druzei razrazilas opasnaia epidemiy, vse nachali vixodit zamuj....... 3 podrujki za odin mesiac) Tak shto bez parties and having fun ne oboshlos)
a vse ostalnoe niche, on and off working etc....
Nu ladno, poka-poka
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

14-Sep-2001 10:43 AM
 Re: After US in Armenia, hi
Gayosh, that's ok, I was just kiding. In fact I am really happy that we have our revival how you call this. But anyways I miss a lot of people from this chat who are not coming here since the time we left America.
For example, where is Commander? I'd like to "see" here Andor, Artem, and other UD people...(I just cannot think of more names right now...)
So I propse to encourage peole to come here again somehow. I haven't decided how to do this yet, but maybe you have some propositions.

Yeah, btw, Sveta, I wanted to ask you: why do you usually go to UPenn 1, come here, don't forget---this is your "native" orientation) See you in ICQ:-)

Ok, I think this is it for now. waiting for more peole to come here.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

14-Sep-2001 10:46 AM
 Re: After US in Armenia, hi
Gayosh, that's ok, I was just kiding. In fact I am really happy that we have our revival how you call this. But anyways I miss a lot of people from this chat who are not coming here since the time we left America.
For example, where is Commander? I'd like to "see" here Andor, Artem, and other UD people...(I just cannot think of more names right now...)
So I propse to encourage peole to come here again somehow. I haven't decided how to do this yet, but maybe you have some propositions.

Yeah, btw, Sveta, I wanted to ask you: why do you usually go to UPenn 1, come here, don't forget---this is your "native" orientation) See you in ICQ:-)

Ok, I think this is it for now. waiting for more peole to come here.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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