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26-Oct-2000 02:01 AM
  hey folks!!! New Photos

Hey folks!!!

I just posted new photos and renewed old ones!
now the quality is much better!!!

here is URL:


C-ya all later
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

26-Oct-2000 10:53 PM
 Re: hey folks!!! New Photos
Chto-to mne kazhetsya, chto Ukari eto yaponskoe imya...
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

27-Oct-2000 03:20 AM
 Re: hey folks!!! New Photos

Yerkin Ukari ochen rasprostrannenoe imya v iaponii,
ti prav, ona iz iaponii no uze davno zivet v south
koree! ona rodilas v south koree no rodom ona iz

yerkin esli xochesh eshe chto nibud uznat pro nee
obrashaisya ko mne!

[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

27-Oct-2000 03:47 AM
 Re: hey folks!!! New Photos
Da kakoi mne smysl pro nee chto-nibud' uznavat'...
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

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