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05-Feb-2001 01:06 AM
  Just nothing new...
Hi guys!
Alinka, I was not writing, because I have nth new going on in my life, I guess. Btw, Sasha is a guy from my city in Ukraine and plus to that we studied in the same high school. Isn't that cool? Yeah, we had party on Friday -- my boyfriend's birthday. It was cool, but I was just very tired after that party. What about your boyfriend, Alincho? Is he American?
Kirill, you asked if i am ready to go home... Well, what can I say? Sometimes--yes, sometimes I would like to be here for a longer time. I don't know. I am just sure that I am going to miss all my friends I have here and all of you, guys! This is bad!
That's it for now, I think.
Hi to everybody from COLD (I really mean VERY COLD weather) Wyoming!!!
Love ya!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

05-Feb-2001 02:43 AM
 Re: Just nothing new...
Cheer up, Olesya!!!
The weather is not that cold, it'll get warmer, I can assure you. And your friends will always stay in touch with you both here and back home.

"Ne krichi, ne pischi, vyshe golovu derzhi" (vospitatel' detsada #2, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 1986)

[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

05-Feb-2001 02:55 AM
 Re: Just nothing new...
Privet, Oleska!
Rada shto napisala xot' neskol'ko slov. U menya tozhe nichego novogo. Ya bila v Amherste kak znayesh. Ochen' xorosho proshlo. In fact, I don't know if I told you about my boyfriend he is a brother at another fraternity. He is moving in today, and I am supposed to help him, but they are having a meeting, and I can't be inside the house. Nobody can, if not a member. So I came back to the lab to see if anybody wrote anything. And in fact I hope someone will notice that i am in the chat room.
other than that, nothing new either dorogaya.
It's verrrrrrrrrry cold here too, and I don't like it. Can't wait till spring comes
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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