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26-Aug-2001 06:43 PM
  Revival 2!!!!!!
Nu kuda vy vse propali nashi slavnye Delawartsi???? Ya tak po vsem vam skuchayu!!!!! I chto eto nashi novoispechennye Delawartsy molchat???? Pomnite primerno god nazad (nu chut' men'she) u nas na portale tsarila takaya zhe tishina... A potom vse vdrug nachali syuda zaglyadyvat', pisat', ostavlyat' svoi mneniya. U nas daje byvali goryachie spory i discussii, vrode "Save The Last Dance" pomnite????
In short, com'on guys, you ain't all dead are you????
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

27-Aug-2001 06:50 AM
 Re: Revival 2!!!!!!
Hey Alin-jan! How's it goin'? It's good to see your posts again!=)
How was your summer?
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

29-Aug-2001 09:31 AM
 Re: Revival 2!!!!!!
We are still alive,Nurbek,but Internet sucks in my home town.Moreover,people are not here at any time of the day or night.How are you getting through?
Miss Washington in May,
Alik-again not US. [ This message was edited by: AlikUS on: 8-29-2001 09:28 ]
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

29-Aug-2001 10:07 AM
 Re: Revival 2!!!!!!
yeah, I have the same problems with I-net here. Kinda sux, but hey! It's good that we still can get in touch!
I'm getting through alright, lookin' forward to studies.
How about yourselves?
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

31-Aug-2001 12:44 PM
 Re: Revival 2!!!!!!
Da, Alinjan, ochen ploho, chto siyda yzhe pochti nikto ne hodit. Ya ne dymaiy chto problem tolko v e-nete. Ved oni dazhe bydychi v USA ne hodili...
Y menya vse ok (esli komy interesno) No silno skychaiy za USA i vsegda vse sravnivaiy. Vot i vse.
Pipl, hodite siyda, a? Bydem zhdat!!!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

01-Sep-2001 12:39 PM
 Re: Revival 2!!!!!!
Privet, Olesya!
Klassno videt' chto lyudi ne zabyvayut portal!
Ya dumayu on esche ne raz nam pomozhet! Hotya by spravitsa s reentry culture shock.
Pozhalusta ne sravnivayte dve raznye kultury i civilizacii. Oni prosto raznye. U nih svoi put'. U nas svoi.
I love my home and I am happy to be home!
Thanks God I am home!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

04-Sep-2001 12:12 AM
 Re: Revival 2!!!!!!
vremya lechit...
ya uzhe ni po komu ne skuchayu... nu mozhet po Aline... a mozhet i net

reverse culture seizure iz over

truly not yours,
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

04-Sep-2001 10:51 AM
 Re: Revival 2!!!!!!
Wassup Yerk! How's it going brother-neighbor?
Glad to hear that your seizure is over man! I feel like mine's just starting.
This is crazy- work, study, exams, course works... Hope I'll survive this three months. Well, I know I will, but at what price..
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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