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28-Mar-2001 07:57 PM
  da kakoi tam topic...
Compare the amount on line C with the amount on line D and if it is bigger than the amount on line F enter the amount from line E on line G............. a pro columns uje ne govoryu.........
Naverno ponyatno chem ya zanimalas poslednie dva chasa. Vobshem v konce koncov poluchilos' shto doljna US okolo $300. What the fuck, I'd like to know, ya ved' daje ne rabotala?! nikto na voprosi ne otvechaet, okazalos shto advice on taxes ni vxodit ne v chyu kompetenciyu.
shas opiat' poidu prosmotrivat' eti durackie handbooks...
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

29-Mar-2001 02:21 AM
 Re: da kakoi tam topic...
Gayosh, please try to read that book once more, according to it you should have "0" for total tax and total payments, so you don't need to pay anything to Federal Government...
TRy to read the guidelines once over..
Sincerely Kirill Zuykov
P.S. we've had that tax seminar for international students, and they explained that staff, try to read once more...
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

29-Mar-2001 08:22 PM
 Re: da kakoi tam topic...
Kirill jan, etot seminar u nas toje byl, no ya zabyla, it was today. Are you sure you have to arrive at 0??? What if you have worked????? No po moeum my tak malo zarabatyvaem chto nas krome Federal Income Tax, nichego ne berut net???
Confused, i haven't read the papers yet. Gotta du it this weekend.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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