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07-Oct-2000 07:11 PM
  Autumn in New York (have you seen this movie, by the way?)
Hi to everybody who is reading this message!!

As I promised, I am going to write about my state ant University.

I stay and study at Pace University, New York.
There are some campuses of Pace, and I (and four other guys from our group) live at Pleasantville campus. This nice name of the village should remind you about your Granny's village, I think. It is very small, as I know, only 7,000 peple live here, but it can be reffered to the metropolitan area, as you could get to the neighbor town by foot. My friend Elina and me did this yesterday (we visited our bank). You don't even notice, that you are already in a new town, you just see the sigh that tells Thornwood cleaner's, and you now: you are already in Thornwood.

Our campus is places out of the Pleasantville village (you can take a free University shuttle, wthich runs every 15 or 30 minutes or go by foot).

The very Pleasantville is in 30 minutes by train from the Manhattan, but it is rather expensive - $11 for round trip not in the rush hours. But still, almost all the weekends we spend in New York City (if you are interested, I will write another story about my impressions of the Big Appple's Capital).

I asked you about the movie in the headline as I saw the this name in some movie theater, as it is new. If someone saw it occasionally, please, write, if it is worth seeing.

We have a real fall here. It is very cold, and sometimes I want go back to Alabama, as I can't stand the cold. Still, the nature is wonderful here. I was shocked to see all these forests and animals (you can't even go there, as it is impossible to get through all these brushwoods and shrubs), as I knew I will live in 20 miles from NYC, so it will be rather urban area.

My window open on the forests and i tried to walk there some times, but all my attempts turned out to be failures, as I couln't even get inside. In the early mornings you can see deer who come out for contact with freshmen (our dorm is particularly for them, so our five has a great authority here, and I think, they are even afraid of us. You may think it is good for us, but, believe me, it is not such a plesant feeling at all).

My proffesor in TV and Radio Communications told once that we should remember, that we live not in th United States, but in New York, and these two places are completely different. I was surprised to here it and first didn't believe it. But now I made sure that he is copletely true.

It is difficult for me to explain it now, as all the thoughts are in state of feelings and emotions, but, still, New York is not the US. People are different here in every respect. They dress not like all other Americans, they drive in another way, their lives are totally different. They even accept other people not as all Americans do. We are not such foreigners here as somewhere else, although very few guys speak Russian in our University. So we are not museum exhibits, we are just new yorkers here.

So, I am done fo now, I thank everybody who is reading these lines, as you were very patient to read my umoizlijanijas to the end. I hope, you like New York now, I will try to write something about Manhattan and all other parts of NYC, as each of them deserve a separate day and mood to speak about.
I hope, all the above was not so boring, and you are not yawning right now.

Waiting for your stories about your impressions of America so far. Sorry for mistakes if you find any.

With love,
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

07-Oct-2000 11:53 PM
 Re: Autumn in New York (have you seen this movie, by the way?)
This is great. I enjoyed your piece. Finally there are some people who can take their precious time and write a fairly long story about their stay. It is not like 2 lousy lines, it is interesting and very informative. Thank you so much for that. As you know I am in Atlanta. I am really happy to be here because to me it is the best place. It is like in Paradise. I hope you have read some of my essays about Atlanta, also I recommend that you see my pictures at and
Thank you very much
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

08-Oct-2000 05:42 AM
 Re: Autumn in New York (have you seen this movie, by the way?)
Good job, Oxsana!!!

Good story! I really enjoyed reading it, no yawning at all. Great to know about your university, your neighborhood, and you living there. And don't bother about the mistakes, what matters is the meaning (although someone might still pick on them).

Thank you for giving us this opportunity to discover another FSA student's life. I hope more people will find time to devote it to their friends and any other reader like us. Now I think I wouldn't mind knowing you better, chatting with you, and maybe even coming to Pace )

Thank again you for the story, I enjoyed reading it,
See you in chat,
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

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