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11-Mar-2001 08:36 AM
  menq qich enq , baits mez hay en asum
We are few but We are called Armenians
We do not put ourselves above anyone
Simply we also admit tht we, only we have Mount Ararat
And that it is right here on the clear Sevan
that the sky could make its exact duplicate
Simply David has indeed fought right there
Simply the Narek was written right here
Simply We know how to build from the rock, a moastery
How to make fish from stone, how to make man from clay
To learn to become the student of the beautiful
the kind, the noble and the good.

We are few, but we are called Armenians
We do not put ourselves above anyone
Simply our fortune has just been so different
Simply we have just shed too much blood
Simply in our lives of centuries long
When we were many and when we were strong
Even then we did not oppress any nation
See, centruies have come and centruies have passed
Yet over no one have we become tyrants
If we have enslaved, only with our eyes
And if we have ruled, only with our books
If we have prevailed, only with our talents
And if we have ever oppressed,
It has only been with our wounds

Simply with us death has fallen in love
Yet we willingly did not give ourselves
And when we were forced to leave our own land
Where ever we reached, where ever we went
Everywhere we left indelible trace
We have joined efforts for everyone, always
We plowed everywhere, we built bridges, we tied arches
We plowed everywhere and we brought forth crops
We gave everyone mind, proverbs, and songs
Another words we defended them from spiritual clodness
Everywhere we left our eyes reflection
A peace of our soul and a sacrament from the heart itself.

We are few, truly, but we are Armenians
And by being few we do not succumb
Because it is beter to be few in life,
then to control life by being many
Because it is better rather to be few, then to be master by being many
Because it is better to be few, then to be swindlers

We are few, yes, but we are Armenians
And we know how to sigh from yet unhealed wounds
But with a new juice we rejoice and we cheer
We know how to thrust into the foeis side
And how to lend a helping hand to our friend
How to repay goodness which was done to us
by compensating for each one by ten
And the benefit of it just in the sun
We vote with our lives, not only with our hands
Yet if they desire to rule us with force
We know how to smoke and how to quench their fire
And if it is needed to disperse darkness
We can turn into ashes like burning candles
And we know as well how to make love with lust
And we do this always by respecting others.

See, we don't put ourselves above anyone,
but we know ourselves We are called Armenians
And why sould we not feel pride about that

We are, We shall be, and become many

Paruyr Sevak
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

14-Mar-2001 01:45 AM
 Re: menq qich enq , baits mez hay en asum
spanir du el gites )) ches zgum voch mek minchev hima gratst posterits voch mekin chi patasxanel?????
es meznits batsi haskatsox chi lini. Hay linel@ petk chi amen tex achk xotel, petka manrits ko pahvatskov tsuyts tal vor hayer@ lavnen. Political Science-i major es baits eskan puchurik ban@ kez minchev hima chkaratsi haskatsnem. )) Hayer@ minchev hima hamestutyamb en es vichakin hasel, vor 3 erkir, vor irar tanel chen karum, 3-i het el hoyakap haraberutyunneri mej enk. Tak chto mi kich hetevi inch es xosum u vortex. Te che chi dzum

[ This message was edited by: Alincho on: 3-14-2001 02:44 ]
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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